GG GG- 10 Interviews with Muhammad Yunus on Global Gramen’s Youth Capitalsm G lobal G raneen Trillion Dollar Audit- How each global market Purpose could lead jobs Impossible becomes Possible Postcards MOOCyunus YcLAB Open Tech Wizards & Mobile Village Access GrameenGreen bottom up multinationals -mix everything but tv ads YunusOlympics Twinning Youth Jobs Capitals- more popular to co-sponsor than Olympics Social Business Infrastructure -eg Cox’s bazar superport #2030Now PovertyMuseum’s United Race NetGen’s defining Social Movements and Collab Goals
Example Grameen’s 7+ Year Cycles 1.0 Microcredit pre-www 1976 discovered village Centre of 60 women to be Effective 1983 took 7 years to design 60 by 60 centres as efficient for one branch of Grameen 1983 to 1989 proved local Expandability 1990 to 1996 dialogued replication networks across nations 2.1 Microcredit & www evolution From 1997 Microcreditsummit From 1997 Village Mobile From 1997 starts testing village electricity through solar From 1997 youth generation of mothers growing exponentially 3.0 Valuing Youth Economics models and youthworldbanking social movements From 2006 : asks youth and nobel leaders to turn ownership model into Every Microfranchise Application of Social Business Banking 3,1 From 2012 MOOCyunus- Global University of Jobs
How CW MicroFranchise (MF) Scales? 0 Because people communally want to serve and celebrate it 1 Effective 2 Efficient 3 Expandable SMCW Curriculum YouthEconomics - system MF E 3 skill ChangeWorld Value Chain SM Social Movement #2030Now YouthJobsOlympics www Equality*YouthJobs Sustains Growth SM study-links: The Goal, Curriculum, System, Skill Open Curriculum Sources 2014: 42 nd year of Bangladesh & The Economist’s Entrepreneurial Revolution; 30 th year of net-generation search for 30000MF
Dhaka-DC-Glasgow-Saint James: Commons Asserted Muhammad Yunus and Norman Macrae Family Foundation February 2014 Ref MY99
Dhaka-DC-Glasgow-Saint James: Commons Asserted Muhammad Yunus and Norman Macrae Family Foundation February 2014
Global University of Jobs Nearly free nursing college Free Energy Academy Greatest cause Girl Empowering Foundations can support Greatest cause Girl Empowerment Foundations can support Food, water and Security – Community and Commons Infrastructure (eg Cox’s Bazar)eg Cox’s Bazar Mobile Value chains student clubs and youth summits for social business and social movements Free university of entrepreneur and financial literacy: Peer to Peer from Age 9 up Free coding college and ILABS for open source apps OpenRef MY999 Norman Macrae Foundation – Youth Capitalism MaharishiMaharishi BransonCentreBransonCentre AflatounAflatoun, CMS, g4ECMSg4E Proposed BRAC IradioAcademyBRAC IradioAcademy GoogleILABGoogleILAB KhanCodeAcKhanCodeAc MITd,l,m,wLabs GrameenDhakaGrameenDhaka;FarmerHaiti;FarmerHaiti KhanMedicalAc JIMKIMsocialmovementlink Singforhope SorosMoocPartners microeducationsummitP1
W4EGjU GG SfH YcLAB 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc, JOB CREATION NETWORKS Impossible Postcards K-Ac Open Teaching League
W4E GjU GG SfH YcLAB Fashion/Garments Superstars/Community Open Tech Open Edu Green Food Security Health Banks Professions Peace/ Equality …. JOB CREATION NETWORKS 2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc2030nowjimkim2transcripts.doc, More Akira foundation Blesed Coffee Diaspora Impossible Postcards K-Ac Open Teaching League
UNSEENWEALTH.COMParallel Stories of YunusMandela, Gandhi Research help needed– US epicentres Van De Bilt &DC NMFOUND
Muhammad Yunus has argued on CNN the Social Fiction hypothesis that the Net Generation can design any solution IF AND ONLY IF we map back the greatest collaboration goals and then redesign professional metrics and constitutions to empower the necessary social movements The slides show the 10 greatest media breakthroughs (Entrepreneurial Revolutions that my father and I noted from 10 interviews and birthday wish events with DR Y). Are they as crazy as they joyfully look? To make an economic case for designing these collaboration futures with youth, you may need to blend in some knowledge as where Unseen Wealth research had got to by Brookings and the EU by year Expert surveys revealed that Millennium 3 hadnt created metrics relevant for either massive collaboration or preventing compound risk. These challenges were too close to Gore's Sustainability agendas for the incoming Bush administration to allow continuing research. Why the EU also ended Unseen Wealth research is a story I have a lot of notes from conferences in Brussels, Luxembourg, Berlin, Madrid, Paris and London on. ask if important - But for this space, lets get back to the 10 most innovative ideas we could be freeing Youth around- well unless you can thing up more innovative ones in which case please tell Dr Yunus! 10 Global Grameen is a benchmarking space between Yunus and leaders with the biggest resource decisions 9 Trillion Dollar Audit is a debate with youth as to what future vision of each global market sector would maximise human livelihoods 8 Impossible become Possible postcards are the 10 most virally joyful concepts that youth could celebrate in the race to co-create the next 3 billion jobs 7 MOOCYunus could use a Khan Academy type platform so that education's missing jobs curricula of entrepreneurship and the world's most scalable microfranchises are peer to peer liberated by youth's action learning 6 Yunus Creative Labs are like ILABs (providing accelerator and incubator and patient capital space but they use mobile to partner with villages most life critical challenges) Yunus has been experimenting with such Mobile Apps since 1996 when some combination of funding from Soros, wizardry from MIT Bangaldeshis, and telecoms capacity from Norway labbed around him (but ironically not with the constitutional form of corporation that he was experienced in brand leading with) 1 Grameen Green has already been written up by Nancy Wimmer- it shows how starting in 1996 Yunus developed a social business model (and a superb grassroots service network) of solar microeconomically capable of freeing 1 billion villagers currently off grid 2 Social Infrastructure projects like superports owned by (the poorest) peoples are probably the most revolutionary idea- and the one that has ultimately brought Yunus into cultural conflicts back home because not enough of global aid donors understood simultaneously it was what bangladesh needed most to be built out of Cox's Bazar to unite trades of China, Bangladesh, India and Myanmar 3 Yunus Olympics asserts that twinning future capitals in Youth Jobs expos can be more valuable to co-sponsor that the olympics But that requires celebartion with the cheeky 4 which explores how bottom up multinationals may be mediated and channeled in every way but tv advertising 5 For #2030 now to be the defining social movement of the net generation we recommend reading Jim KIm transcripts on how total remapping of value chains is integral to any social movement transformation. These have just been shared with youth at the MOOC - tell me if you need a copy Interestingly Jim Kim tells the story of how Pope Francis wants the same peaceful revolution to move the world over to his public servant agenda.. At the 2013 Warsaw Nobel Peace laureates Summit Walesa recalled the similar intervention Poland needed with Pope John Paul's hope Governance PS As a mathematician, I enjoy mapping how we will need wholly different valuation metrics on the sorts proposed by Unseen Wealth alumni during the year 2000 but whose funding was stopped in 2001 when wargames took over. Outside the scope of this discussion but vaut le voyage analysis constructs include:: above zero-sum models of goodwill, transparency mapping, asking whather a leader is modeling sustainability exponetials into the future of a network of systems in such ways to end externalities as critical for a borderless whole planet