Team: AlphaDroners System: Team WikiSpeed Descriptive Statement: To build a street legal vehicle that gets at least 100 miles per gallon, is capable of 100 miles per hour, and has minimal manufacturing time. Vehicle will attain 5 star crash ratings. (Presentation Note: Descriptive statement needs to describe the process. What does the process need to do?) Strategic Values/Objectives: Safety Affordable Low Cost to Operate Easily Upgradable Reconfigurable Team members: Jesse Dimas, Tim Adams, David Waters
Proactive Reactive General Issues Creation – Hardware, Test Software, Integration, Test Plans, Iterations Improvement – Coordination, 24 hr shifts, communication, sprint plans, user stories Migration – New technology, new requirements, mass manufacturing, testing Modifications – More Team Members, more facilities, equipment (Presentation Note: More items would be a better fit in the “Expansion” section). Correction – Test Plans, Scrum process, Loss of key personnel, Money Variation – Work Shifts, Work Loads, Personnel, Skill Range, Communication Tools (Online could change) Expansion – New Hierarchy, New Scrum Groups, New Technology (Presentation Note: New Technology would be a better fit in “Modifications” section) Reconfiguration – Attrition, Skill Sets, Rewards System: _____AlphaDrone 1_____
Team WikiSpeed Electrical SuspensionPower TrainFrame/Chasis SoftwareHardware Infrastructure evolution System assembly Module mix Module inventory Electronically Compliant Street Legal Regulations Crash Safety Standards Emission Regulations Infrastructure Gas Car Ethanol CarElectric Car Modules/Components Integrity Management Active Passive Scrum Master Product Lead Volunteers Scrum
Reconfigurable Scalable Reusable Self-Contained Units (Modules) Components are distinct, separable, loosely-coupled, self-sufficient units. -Electrical Components-Software -Power Train-Hardware -Frame/Chassis Plug Compatibility (Facilitated Interfacing) Components easily inserted/removed, component evolution responsibility designated. -Engine Type (Gas, Electrical, Ethanol, etc) -Aesthetic Cover (Car, Truck etc) -Seat Capacity (Sporty Two Seater, Family Four Seater, etc) -Suspension Facilitated Reuse Components are reusable and replicable; with responsibilities designated for inventory ready-for-use availability. -Tires/Wheels -Gas Tank -Steering Wheel Flat Interaction Components communicate directly on a peer-to-peer relationship; parallel rather than sequential relationships are favored. -Engine drives the fuel type used -User communicates with many aspects of car. Deferred Commitment Component relationships are transient when possible; decisions & fixed bindings are postponed until necessary. - Car is automatic Evolving Standards (Framework) Component interaction standards, responsibilities/processes for evolving the standards. -Fuel -Emissions -Expected End User Application Redundancy and Diversity Duplicate components provides fail-soft & capacity options; diversity provides functional options. -Aesthetic Cover -Engine -Suspension Elastic Capacity Component populations and functional capacity may be increased and decreased widely within the existing framework. -Seats Distributed Control and Information Decisions made at point of maximum knowledge; information accessible globally but kept locally. -Cover Designs Available -Engine Types Self-Organization Component relationships are self-determined; and component interaction is self-adjusting or negotiated. -Fuel type determines engine type or vice versa -Fuel economy is partially determined by user driving habits (Think: Plug-and-Play, Drag-and-drop) RRS Principles for System: __Team WikiSpeed_______