Science Faculty Forum July 2015
People, Potential and Performance (PPP) The PPP framework is designed to draw on, manage and develop our human resources. The intention is to promote and implement a strong alignment between individual potential and performance and organizational aims. Build and maintain world-class performance through engaging all staff in strategy and values Recruit, support and develop world-class staff Enhance leadership and management capacity Implementation through a 4 phase process (probation, sabbatical, promotion, reward and recognition, performance appraisal and review workload models, leadership development
Science Academic Sabbatical Review Panel Members: -Professor Alice Vrielink (Chair) -Professor David Badcock (Deputy Chair) -Associate Professor Peter Hammond -Dr Pauline Grierson -Dr Sarah Prout -Mrs Christine Richardson (Executive Officer) -Ms Michelle Bailey (Admin Support) Sabbatical Meeting – 23 rd July (11.00 – 1.00 pm)
Academic Standards and Expectations
KPIs Research: Outputs
Journal Publications per FTE by Level
How to find the top 20% Journal List Log into Socrates 1) In the menu bar select tools Select Journal list 2) You can then filter by WOS subject category, or FoR codes Top 20% journals are highlighted in green. 3) You can export the journal list to Excel 4) You can also see which WOS indices include the journal
KPIs Research: Income
KPIs HDR Supervision
KPI Reports Ratio (R:T) of actual to minimum expectations 20:80 40:60 50:50 60:40 80:20
These performance metrics are minimum expectations and it is likely that higher expectations may need to be set at PDA for some staff The heterogeneity of disciplines means that these minimum expectations may be moderated through the Science Executive to recognize differences in research expectations or learning outcomes between disciplines Science Executive has also been working on a definition of a ‘standard teaching expectation’ for staff. Needed if to get some equity around what constitutes an 80:20 (R:T) expectation details available in the PPP documentation “a member of staff with a 20% teaching expectation is expected to take responsibility for the delivery of the equivalent of 0.5 of an undergraduate unit with a unit enrolment of at least 135 students and should also make contribution to postgraduate coursework teaching” May need to be moderated later pending development of UWA-wide workload model Notes
Social and Human Sciences In recognition of the differences in research publication patterns in economics which have a poor correlation between the top 20% journals and the most respected journals in economics and where the assessment of the ERA for economics relies on peer review of the best 30% of our articles, the Head of School will moderate this requirement in a way that encourages quality in publication.
Social and Human Sciences
KPIs Quality of Supervision
KPIs Teaching and Learning
Performance Standards: Professional Staff Performance will be developed around two key elements of the role: The key responsibilities of the position, its outcomes and key performance indicators; A set of leadership capabilities and behaviours applicable to the classification of the position Level 8 No decisions as yet, for discussion only
York Retreat
DVCE Centre for Education Futures Futures Observatory Project – refurbishment of Hackett Hall Carpe Diem Learning Design – unit redesign Black Swan – Moodle to Blackboard IT Operating Model – a new business model for IT IT Architecture Design – a roadmap for our systems Syllabus Plus – system upgrade, better timetabling Coursework Scholarships - future staffing realignment Admissions Acceleration Pilot – delegated authority for admissions Sustainable Futures DVCCE Marketing, Admissions and International Recruitment – staffing restructure to better align these activities Future Students Digital Project – engagement with prospective students post Open Day DVCR: Centralization of Publications Project – simplify collections process, move responsibility to the Library Teaching Socrates
SDVC PPP implementation – including sabbatical, titles, promotion, PDA Activity Based Costing – enterprise workload model project Equality Athena Swan – equity, in response to the continuing low female participation at senior academic levels Strategy, Planning Functional Realignment - staffing restructure to better align these activities Committees Review Sustainable Futures COO Financial Services Operating Model – designing a new operating model for key finance functions HR Operating Model - designing a new operating model for key human resource functions Three-Way Matching - fully automated matching of Purchase Orders, Receipts and Invoices for payment for all PeopleSoft Purchasing Travel Procurement – new options around travel including online booking solution