The UPR & Media Get your message out
Use Media to strengthen human rights Crucial for PR and outreach Crucial for providing basic information and communication opportunities Crucial for inclusion of main stakeholders Important for collection of data Allows for broad circulation of advocacy for human rights NGOs and civil society should strive to work with the media sector and the new media tools!
Remembering the UPR process 5 steps in the 4-year UPR cycle: Step 1: The state of human rights - Reports prepared by the country under review (compilation of reports) Step 2: The country under review appears before the UPR working group (other countries about and further steps) Step 3: The report of the working group is prepared (conclusions and recommendations for consideration by Gov.) Step 4: The report of the working group is adopted by the Human Rights Council (Gov. indicates support/rejects recommendations) Step 5: Follow up process (Gov. will be required to report on how it has implemented recommendations at next UPR appearance) ….. all UN processes around the UPR WHERE WILL YOU WORK WITH WHICH MEDIA?
Considerations before you start! … a bit on coalitions and FOSS You can work on your own, but…. You will be stronger if you work in a coalition! Who can you work with in your country? (Use search engines/Google) Map stakeholders (find out what the others are doing/spreadsheets) Media NGOs and/or freedom of expression NGOs? (include them) How will you get hold of the other organizations (web/Skype/mass-sms) Strategy for coalition building (Overall aim? How will you advocate and with which tools? Who will do what? How will you share resources?) Create a network-database of contacts (spreadsheet: name, contact-info, volunteer, donation history, attendance at events, skill sets, newsletter)
CivicCRM & New Tactics in Human Rights CiviCRM is a free and open source software tool that can be used to manage your relationships. It is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system geared to the needs of civil society orgs.CiviCRM CiviCRM stores data on your own web server, which means you can install security to ensure the information is private, and you can access it anywhere with an internet connection. Further Resources: New Tactics in Human Rights New Tactics in Human Rights provides good resources around strategy-building for human rights advocates as well as a workbook explaining different types of tactics that can be used.
Consider which media ?! Main-stream media (Radio, TV, Press, Internet) - national/international Alternative media (media NGOs, com. media, artists groups, etc.) Investigative journalism (access to investigative journalists?) Social media tools (are you aware of these and do you use them – efficiently?)
Approaching mainstream media Ask yourselves and your colleagues these questions: o How can you get your story covered by the main-stream media? o Who do you know in media / journalism / media NGOs? o Who do you know who knows journalists or media-people? o Who normally covers similar stuff (programs, specialized sections, journos) o When you get contact, how do you "sell" your story and the UPR process (e.g. that your country is up for review)? o How do you control their coverage? (that they cover what you want) o Do journalists know about your specific HR cause? o Who is your main target-group (politicians, decision-makers, population?) o Why is it important & How do you frame your message?
Framing the message An effective message should: Be simple and explain the cause clearly (avoid ambiguities) Emphasize the critical importance of the cause Know the facts! (accuracy and honesty are vital. If your audience feel you have misled them your cause may be questioned) Tell people something new, something they have not yet thought about Be engaging, interesting, perhaps even shocking Articulate the need to take action, and provide a solution A message should be easy for your audience to understand Your message should be as concise as possible A good message is often also emotionally compelling TEST your message on target audiences/communities, to see how they respond.
Example 11
Example 22
Social media tools (or a few of them..) YouTube/Vimeo Twitter Facebook Skype/Viber Blogs Ushahidi Bambuser Frontline SMS On web & mobile phones applications
Facebook (profile, page, groups) In May 2013: 1.11 billion people use the site each month. 665 million active users each day million active users access Facebook through mobile devices.
Twitter Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read "tweets", which are text messages limited to 140 characters.
YouTube & Vimeo upload and host online video YouTube & Vimeo are video-sharing websites on which users can upload, view and share videos. You just have to create an account (each account has its own channel attached to it). See more here: to-vimeo
Ushahidi Video A free open source software platform for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping.
Bambuser USER GENERATED CONTENT Bambuser, is an interactive mobile video streaming platform that enables users to effortlessly stream and share live video using a smartphone or a computer equipped with a webcam. In addition to being accessible on the Bambuser website, broadcasts can be shared on various social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Blogger. See:
Mobile Phones (incl. smart-phones) People’s media-tool: Ordinary people and groups can use phones to create and disseminate content; images from demonstrations to reports on human rights abuses, etc. (text, photos, video, audio) Outreach & participation/Coordinating & mobilizing: SMS updates on campaigns and activities, invitations for large meetings, network updates etc. See FrontlineSMS: Fundraising & resource mobilization : Increasingly being used for financial transactions (Mpesa) and for marketing and promotion work. See: Mobiles in a BOX (excellent resource)
Safety & Protection! Security in-a-box is was created to meet the digital security and privacy needs of advocates and human rights defenders. Security in-a-box includes a How-to Booklet, which addresses a number of important digital security issues. It also provides a collection of Hands-on Guides, each of which includes a particular freeware or open source software tool, as well as instructions on how you can use that tool to secure your computer, protect your information or maintain the privacy of your Internet communication. FIND IT HERE:
Women in Uganda have a cause!
Thank you very much for you attention! Good luck with your advocacy for Human Rights & the UPR... and with working with media! Contact: Jane Møller Larsen: International Media Support: