Evidence cards. Mobile phones cause health problems. Mobile phones produce microwaves Microwaves make water molecules move faster The body contains lots of water Some people who live near mobile phone masts complain of headaches Research shows that there is an increased chance of users getting tumours in the part of brain next to the ‘phone’ ear. Microwaves can penetrate the skull of a young child. A small proportion of users develop cancer. Raised temperatures destroy brain cells Medical scans show that microwaves affect the brain.
Evidence cards Exercise is good for you Exercise speeds up your heart rate Exercise makes you breathe faster People who exercise regularly have a lower resting heart rate Exercise strengthens the heart muscle Overweight people are more likely to have heart attacks My games teacher says it is Exercise makes you feel better People who exercise daily live longer, on average Most athletes are slim Joggers can suffer heart attacks when they are running People who exercise have greater muscle mass Exercise reduces your chances of heart disease
Evidence cards. Carbon dioxide causes global warming. More carbon dioxide is being produced and the world is warming up. Venus is very hot and it has a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere. Animals breathe out warm carbon dioxide and other gases. Hot carbon dioxide is given out when fossil fuels are burned Carbon dioxide turns limewater milky Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid. Experiments show that carbon dioxide retains heat more than oxygen Methane contains carbon and it has been proved that methane is a greenhouse gas The ozone hole above the Antarctic is getting bigger
Sunlight increases the number of organisms in a food chain Energy stored in living things is passed on when they are eaten Lots of animals live in Africa. My teacher says it’s true so the chances are that it’s right. Plants are an essential part of food chains There aren’t many living things at the North Pole. More animals live on the equator than at the North Pole More people live in sunnier climates. Sunshine provides energy for plants to make food. Plants don’t thrive in shady areas.
Evidence cards Smoking is bad for you More smokers than non- smokers die of heart disease. Cigarettes make your breath smell. Cigarettes contain nicotine. Smoking can make you feel relaxed. The Government taxes cigarettes and makes them expensive. A significant proportion of people who smoke develop lung cancer. Women who smoke have a greater chance of having low birth- weight babies. Increasing numbers of young people are beginning to take up smoking. Smoking is banned from many public places such as restaurants and offices. Nicotine is addictive Many people who smoke develop bronchitis Photographs show that sticky tar forms in the lungs of smokers
Evidence cards The Earth rotates on its axis The Moon moves across the sky It’s cold at night Daylight hours are shorter in the winter Hong Kong has dawn 8 hours before the UK It’s warmer at the equator than at the poles It takes 365 ¼ days for the Earth to orbit the Sun The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West Water goes down the plughole clockwise in the Northern hemisphere but anti-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere A day is 24 hours long Stars move across the night sky in a circular path Some birds fly south in winter On a midsummer’s day there are 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night
Evidence cards Matter is made of particles Atoms have been seen very powerful scanning tunnelling microscopes Smoke particles move around in a random way when you watch them under a microscope Balloons will pop if they get too hot Gases can be squashed into smaller volumes Most materials expand when heated Balloons inflate when you blow air into them You can see air particles in bright sunlight I’ve seen a picture of particles in my science book Air resistance increases when you go faster Salt dissolves in water All matter can be separated into smaller bits Sand is matter and sand is made of particles
Evidence cards The Earth is round When a ship sails towards you the mast appears first. If you travel west you eventually return to the place you started from. The Earth looks spherical when viewed from space. The Earth has a magnetic field My textbook states that the earth is round The sun travels across the sky in the same direction every day The shadow of the earth during a lunar eclipse is round. The moon and sun are round so the earth is almost certainly round Toy shops sell globes of the earth.