Motorola Sony Ericsson Motorola samsung Simen Mobile Alcatel I phone Mawi Mobile csl others brand…… by Omar
Uhl2332_e02_omar.wikispaces How much do you care about mobile phones? Answer : I do care it so much! Why student have to buy different mobile phone? Answer : Why do you care about their money! Why you use mobile phone? Answer : Calling my girlfriend, huhu….. What mobile phone can do? Answer : Do nothing! But the user can do such a thing with it….( “you better watch-out!”)
Team Members : - OMAR AKMAL IZZAT BIN OTHMAN (EA08130) - SITI NUR AISHAH RODZIAH BINTI ALKHUSHAIRI (EA08036) - MUHAMMAD NURAYA AZAM BIN MOHD NUR (EA08035) Research title : Popular Handphone's Brand Among Students in Pahang University of Malaysia (UMP). Objectives : 1. To find out which brand most students prefer to use 2. To examine what the characteristics of the handphone that students want
A few UMP student’s phone
What kind of mobile phone you prefer to use?
From the questionnaire ; The chart illustrate the percentage of mobile phone that student most preferred to use. most student preferred to use : Sony Ericsson brand with 41.4% Nokia brand with 39.1%. Motorola and Others Brand with 3% respectively. Samsung with just 2%. It can be concluded that the Sony Ericsson mobile phone is the most popular brand that UMP student prefer to use because it style, function and design.
Sony Ericsson is the most mobile phone selected by the UMP students as their mobile phone. This is proven by the data collected based on the questionnaire that we gave to UMP students. As a leading company of mobile phones, Sony Ericsson mobile phones came in various design and its multifunction of mobile phones also attracted the consumers to have one. However, this data can’t use outside UMP because our research is just for the UMP students only
What is the effect of using mobile phone among ump’s student? According to MAZ THS (2006), 71% Malaysians cannot live without mobile phones. The effect of mobile phone nowadays has become vast to human population. People always need to communicate to each other every day for some reason. In contemporary, the mobile phone subscribers have increase to a great number.
This due to the development of the modern technology that make compulsory for everyone to have it. The effect of mobile phone is life will be difficult to human being if they did not posses this electronic devise The relationship among student has become natty with the abilities of a mobile phone that can connect into each other with just a call or with short messaging service (SMS).
Thank you for listening! Well done for understanding! Good time for asking! The end …………… by : Omar Akmal Izzat