The Acquisition Process Model (APM) is a single source of Air Force Acquisition Process Information that integrates policy, guidance and instruction.The Acquisition Process Model (APM) is a single source of Air Force Acquisition Process Information that integrates policy, guidance and instruction. The APM accomplishes the following:The APM accomplishes the following: –Define the approved approach to the “Big A” acquisition -- as actionable processes. –Map and describe the officially sanctioned processes defined in official documents, and as actually executed –Establish standard definitions and activities associated with AF Acquisition –Serve as a standard reference for all stakeholders –Common context for process improvement initiatives Integration context for other external/related process modelsIntegration context for other external/related process models
APM Navigation Frame Go to Page Widget Process Details Pan and Zoom Widget Process Inputs and/or Outputs Process Step Swim Lanes Swim Lanes Swim Lanes Process Name Horizontally Navigate the Model Navigate Back or to Similar Processes in the Model APM Viewer
Navigation Example (Using the APM Viewer Side of the Page) 1.Using your mouse, Left Click on the Process entitled 1.3 Translate Needs Into Capability Plans (Require) – This is called a drill down 2.You will see the process model for 1.3 Translate Needs Into Capability Plans and its 3 processes, click on the process step labeled; Translate Needs into Capability Plans (Require) 3.Next, Left click on any of the processes within 1.3. This will allow you to drill down to the next level of process indenture 4.In order to view the properties and attributes of these processes, Hold CTRL over one of the Processes and then Left Click on the; in the left hand APM Widget Pane you will see the Properties Widget change to display the contents of the process Process Details can be defined as the following: Process Definition- Short, Authoritative explanation of the purpose and/or objective of the process Process Owner- Person/Office with responsibility for achieving the intended results of the process Reference Document- Document that defines/describes the process Process Performer- Person/Office with responsibility for executing some aspect of the process 5.You can also view the contents of the Inputs or Outputs, you can similarly CTRL + Left Click the white space around of the text of the inputs and outputs 6.To return to the top level of the process model, left click on the Go Up 1 Level Blue Oval until you return to the Top Level of the model entitled Acquisition Process Model Main 7.In some instances, process elements may link to multiple areas within the model. In cases such as these, the user will be able to choose from all available options by clicking on the process element and selecting the appropriate path 8.When defining what differentiates the swim lanes: Governing- The processes that direct or guide other processes Core- The processes that will create outputs that meet stated requirements Enabling- The processes that support the execution of the core Navigating the Model
Navigation Example (Using the Go To Page Widget) 1.Located on the left side of the pane are the APM Widgets 2.Using the widget at the top of the pane entitled Go To Page, click on the right hand arrow to operate the drop down list menu and navigate to 1.1 Review and Approve within the drop down list, click on the green arrow to the right of the drop down or click Enter 3.Using the Pan and Zoom widget located directly below the Go To Page widget, you will now Zoom in on the model on the right hand pane of the web site and then Pan around the model; the current Zoom setting is set at 100% denoted by the red dash located on the right hand side of the widget 4.This widget has a small representation of the currently displayed model in the right hand pane of the web page. Zoom in on the model to 200% by left clicking on the gray dash mark above the red dish; you can mouse over the dashes to see a preview (pop up) of the Zoom options. 5.The process model located on the right hand side of the web page will increase in size and the Pan and Zoom Widget will now have red box around the smaller representation of the model. Now mouse over to the small picture representation of the model and left click (hold) within the red box area within the widget. You can now move the red box around thus panning around the zoomed in portion of the model. 6.Located at the bottom right corner of page are arrows to help navigate horizontally through the model.Notes 1.To Expand the Viewing Area of the model, click on the Hide button icon located at the Top Left Side of the Page – a mouse over will yield a message “Collapse Navigation Frame”, conversely click the document icon located in the same area of the Hide button icon to Expand the Navigation Frame 2.Search – Using the Search Page Widget, you can search for a specific item within the model; as a caveat the search engine will only search for names of processes, models or Inputs / Outputs Navigating the Model