Combs Ford Surgery Patient Information Screen March 2014 March 2014
Welcome to the Surgery!
Appointments Please help the Doctor to help you And help us run to time…. Only one person per appointment (it can be difficult for a Doctor to say no when asked to see a second patient in one 10 minute appointment
Appointments We try to run to time so….. If you have several problems to discuss please ask the receptionist for a double appointment and make a list with the most important first It may not be possible to attend to all problems in one appointment
Appointments We try to run on time but it may not always be possible Please accept our apologies If you cannot wait please speak to reception who will book you an alternative appointment
MOBILE PHONES HAVE WE GOT YOUR NUMBER???? We are now offering a text service to confirm and remind patients of their appointments. In addition we will be texting important information such as flu clinic dates etc Please check that we have the correct mobile number, thank you.
MOBILE PHONES Patients who do not wish to have messages sent by text have messages sent by text should speak to reception should speak to reception
Restricted Prescribing List The NHS has to reduce prescribing costs and therefore from the 1 st of April the following will not be available on prescription;- The NHS has to reduce prescribing costs and therefore from the 1 st of April the following will not be available on prescription;-
Pain killers for minor aches and pains Soluble pain killers Hay fever preparations Cough and cold remedies Lozenges, throat sprays and gargles Treatments for minor acnes Indigestion remedies Restricted Prescribing List
Treatments for non-serious constipation and diarrhoea Ear wax treatments Slimming preparations Creams, gels and tubigrip for sprains and sports injuries Travel medicines Gluten Free foods Restricted Prescribing List
Barrier creams for nappy rash Head lice lotions and shampoos Threadworm tablets Athlete’s foot creams and powders Bath additives for minor dry skin conditions Soya milks Sun creams for sensitive skins Restricted Prescribing List
If you have a cold, sore throat, earache or cough 1. assess you symptoms – speak to your local pharmacist 2. beat your symptoms – ask your pharmacist for suitable medicines. You will be advised if you need to see a doctor 3. drink plenty of fluids, get more rest, make sure you get medicines that suit you best – there are formulations available for most people.
How long until I feel better? Earache ……………. Usually lasts 4 days Sore throat………….lasts up to a week Common cold……..usually lasts 7-10 days Flu……………………. lasts up to 2 weeks Runny nose………….usually lasts 1-2 weeks Nasal congestion… usually lasts 1-2 weeks Sinusitis……………… usually lasts 2-3 weeks Dry/tickly cough……lasts up to 3 weeks
Antibiotics Unfortunately, antibiotics will not help to get rid of your cold! “Get Well Soon” Without Antibiotics
Restricted Prescribing List Self help and Advice leaflets are available from the Waiting Room
Keep a well stocked medicine cabinet Paracetamol Paracetamol mixture for children Oral hydration sachets Antihistamine Cream or spray for insect bites Antacid Plasters Thermometer
Blood Pressure Check We have made a blood pressure machine available in the waiting area for patients to use themselves. Please follow the instructions Or ask for help from the receptionist
Blood Pressure checks Please make a note of the reading and hand in to reception or take to your appointment today We would welcome your feedback Was it helpful to be able to take your blood pressure today?
MOBILE PHONES HAVE WE GOT YOUR NUMBER???? We are now offering a text service to confirm and remind patients of their appointments. In addition we will be texting important information such as flu clinic dates etc Please check that we have the correct mobile number, thank you.
Patient Survey Results The survey is an annual requirement The survey is compiled in house with input from Patient Representative Group The survey was completed in surgery and online via website Results are discussed with the Patient Representative Group Outcomes and an action plan are published in a report on the Combs Ford Surgery website.
Patient Survey Survey ran in January 2014 154 patients completed Male 57 Female 97 With a range of ages between 16 and over 75
Summary of results; thinking about making an appointment - How easy is it to get through to someone on the phone? 2014 = 79% 2013 = 71% 2012= 81% very easy/fairly easy How easy is it to speak to a doctor or nurse on the phone? 2014 = 51% 2013 = 51% 2012 = 63% very easy/fairly easy (33% haven’t tried)
How do you prefer to book your appointments? 17% on the day, 22% in advance, 59% combination of both. If you want to book ahead, how do you find this? 2014 = 52% 2013 = 42 % 2012 = 53% very easy/fairly easy (18% haven’t tried)
Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book appointments? Tick all that apply In person26% -30% - 35% By phone 75% -79% - 82% Automated 11% -8% - 17% Online27% -26% - 30%
How important is it to you to be registered with a particular doctor? very important/important 2014 = 67% 2013 = 81% 2012 = 90% not very/not important 2014 = 27% 2013 = 12 % 2012 = 5%
Overall how satisfied are you with the care you get at this surgery? Very satisfied 70 % - 67% - 67% Fairly satisfied 27 % - 27% - 24% Not very satisfied 0% - 2% - 1% Not at all satisfied 0% - 0% No Response 3% - 4% = 97% satisfaction in 2013/2014 compared with 94% satisfaction in 2012/13 and 91% satisfaction in 2011/12
Satisfaction Rate The Partners and staff are very pleased with the satisfaction rate of 97% and would like to thank all patients for their feedback. The survey results will now be shared with the Patient Group and an action plan for the forthcoming year discussed. Full results and a report will be available online from the end of March.
Dr Wankowski Dr Wankowski will be retiring from the practice in the summer. We are currently advertising for his replacement Patients currently registered with Dr Wankowski will be transferred to the new GP
Dr Wankowski It is understandable that some patients may wish to change to an existing Partner but regretfully there will be no opportunity to transfer at this time due to existing workloads.
Practice Training The Practice will be holding staff training on the following days Thursday 24 th April pm Surgery open but phones not available Thursday 15 th May pm Surgery closed & phones not available
Contact Us We welcome constructive feedback! Combs Ford Surgery Combs Lane STOWMARKET IP14 2SY Tel – (not to be used for prescription orders) – Please do not for clinical matters.