trail brain stray weight scale paper grain crayon freight brave claim railway erase male paste chamber neighbor basic agent glacier Write a Core Word from Lesson 1 for each clue below. Each word will have the long a sound. 1.It tells how heavy you are. 2.A piece of sand. 3.The place thoughts come from. 4.A soft tool for drawing colored pictures.
east bleed field donkey sneak jockey grease yield least scream shield wheat seaweed beach beetle screech female wreath niece measles Write a Core Word from Lesson 2 that fits each group of words. Each word you write will have the long e sound. 5.corn, beans, oats, ____________ 6.west, north, south, ____________ 7.ant, spider, moth, ____________ 8.cut, scratch, bandage, ___________
flow grove throw over shown groan grown stolen hollow coast narrow coach window bowl shadow bulldozer elbow overflow though cocoa Write a Core Word from Lesson 3 to complete each sentence. The missing word will rhyme with the underlined word. 9.An empty bird is a _____ swallow. 10.A skinny bow might shoot a _____ arrow. 11.Cooking on a beach is a _____ roast. 12.A pitch from a bird could be a crow _____.
mild pipeline find flight type blind mile midnight idle style pilot mighty supply pirate lighthouse hydrant tighten icicle rhyme dynamite Write a Core Word from Lesson 4 to replace the underlined word or words in the phrase or sentence below. Each word will have a long i sound. The new phrase or sentence is a famous quotation. 13. “Before I judge my neighbor, let me walk a long distance in his moccasins.” -Sioux Proverb
mild pipeline find flight type blind mile midnight idle style pilot mighty supply pirate lighthouse hydrant tighten icicle rhyme dynamite 14. “He who is most lazy has most of grief.” -Eugene Fitch Ware Write a Core Word from Lesson 4 to replace the underlined word or words in the phrase or sentence below. Each word will have a long i sound. The new phrase or sentence is a famous quotation.
mild pipeline find flight type blind mile midnight idle style pilot mighty supply pirate lighthouse hydrant tighten icicle rhyme dynamite 15. “And… hark! The clock hands wake in fright! It is 12:00 A.M..” -Annette Elizabeth Von Droste-Hulshoff Write a Core Word from Lesson 4 to replace the underlined word or words in the phrase or sentence below. Each word will have a long i sound. The new phrase or sentence is a famous quotation.
mild pipeline find flight type blind mile midnight idle style pilot mighty supply pirate lighthouse hydrant tighten icicle rhyme dynamite 16. “Three sightless mice, see how they run!” -Traditional Nursery Rhyme Write a Core Word from Lesson 4 to replace the underlined word or words in the phrase or sentence below. Each word will have a long i sound. The new phrase or sentence is a famous quotation.
Write a Core Word from Lesson 5 to complete each comparison below. The missing word will have the /ū/ or /ü/ sound. 17.Fiction is to fact as make-believe is to ____. 18.Broccoli is to vegetable as apple is to ____. 19.Eighty is to five as many is to _____. 20.Bill is to pay as homework is to ____. rescue few view move due drew proof suit true fruit crew troop juice stoop bruise group smooth value issue screwdriver