1 Menus OnDemand Access Menus and Menu Batch Reports OnDemand supplies you with a basic menu. You can edit this standard menu or create your own from scratch. This allows you to get started quickly with the menu as-is or to make changes to fit your organization. You are also able to print several different menu batch reports depending on your needs and different uses in the facility. 1
2 Selection Options for Menu Batch Reports 2 You have several menu report options depending on your needs. You can specify weekly (WaaG), Daily, Nutritional Analysis, or a Recipe Cookbook with nutrition labels for any selected menu and diet order.
3 Highlight Desired Diets and Textures Then Select using Arrow keys You are also able to specify which therapeutic diets and textures you would like to view. The menu reports only use your selected diet and texture modifications. 3
4 WAAG (Week At A Glance) Report Options 4 You can customize your Week at a Glance Menu Reports to meet your needs. Options include: -report size (letter or legal) -to include serving sizes -font size and style -menu categories -printing the date You can even add a cheerful note to print at the bottom! Select menu categories Font & Type Size Date and Menu Note
5 Menu Building Screen Edit Menus and Print WAAG Reports This is how your screen will appear before printing. You can choose to print a WAAG report in two different sizes- Letter or Legal 5 You can edit a day’s menu by selecting any meal during that day. The Menu Building screen will appear, showing all selections for every meal served that day. From this screen you are also able to select “Cost Analysis”. This will allow you to
6 Menu Building View the nutritional analysis of your main menu in real time as you build it! Add main and alternate menu Items to build the menus to meet your needs. 6
7 Sample WAAG Report Display Style This WAAG Report is ideal for posting for people/families! The options selected include: Display Style Letter Size Excludes date No Serving Sizes No condiments or beverages but includes dairy beverages Included a note at the bottom to remind people of the various condiments and beverages available 7
8 Sample WAAG Report Kitchen Style Options selected include: Kitchen Style Letter Size Without Serving Sizes Includes Beverages but not Condiments Prints the Date but not a Note This can be changed to display serving sizes for posting in the kitchen. 8
9 Menu Cost
Menu Cost Selection Screen
Menu Cost Analysis Report
12 Daily Menu Report Options 12 As with WaaG, there are a variety of options to display and print daily menus, including: Print all meals or Selected meals Print food descriptions along with food names Star your main items Select font styles and sizes to customize Print all days or specific days From the menu batch print screen, you can customize the daily menu reports for printing and display. You can choose: Diet Spreads Daily Display Menus You can also add a note or print the date. You can also generate diet spread reports which are very useful for menu quality control. You can opt to add a note or print the date.
13 Source of Diet Spread Details ThreeSquares makes it incredibly easy to build diet spread data by simply dragging and dropping items within a grid as you build your menu. Your diet spreads are also memorized, allowing quick retrieval and editing of past information. 13
14 Daily Menu Examples 14 Letter or Legal-sized Diet Spreadsheets can be printed (4 or 6 columns). This sample Daily Display Menu shows starred Main Items, but does not print Food Descriptions. This is just one display example; there are several other options to tailor to your preferences.
15 Selections for Summary Nutrient Analysis There are a variety of options for customization of your nutrition reports. You can choose a Summary or Detailed Report. 15
16 Nutrient Analysis Details Report The Nutrient Analysis Details Report provides the nutritional analysis for each menu item as well as the totals per meal. 16
17 Menu Service Reports Recipes can be printed individually or as a batch from the Recipe Batch Print functionality. You can also print a weekly cookbook from this Menu Batch Print option. Weekly Recipe Cookbooks can be printed: for a single yield or multiple yields. Alphabetically by menu category by the order in which they appear on the menu. If you choose to consolidate your printing Recipes which appear in more than one place on the Menu will not be printed multiple times. This results in great savings in paper, ink and, especially, TIME! 17