Regulatory Signs Must obey Prohibited
Stopping Come to a complete STOP at a Stop sign. Usually accompanied by a solid, thick, white line. Always stop before entering a crosswalk. If view of the intersection is blocked, move ahead slowly and be prepared to STOP again. Always give the RIGHT of WAY to pedestrians.
“4-way Stop” Driver who STOPS first goes first If a car stops to the right or left, the driver on the left YEILDS to the driver on the right. If drivers stop across the intersection, the driver continuing straight has the RIGHT of WAY. A turning vehicle must wait. Always check for other roadway users before entering an intersection. Continue with caution.
YIELD Slow or Stop Proceed only when it is safe to do so, without affecting traffic flow Others have the RIGHT of WAY
Speed Limits Basic Speed Law: Speed limits that are set for normal conditions. Minimum Speed Limit: The slowest you can drive in normal conditions. (Highways) Advisory Speed Limit: The speed you should go given a special condition. Ex. Curves or Exit Ramps.
Illinois Speed Limits Rural (highway) 55mph City/town (urban) 30mph School Zone 20mph (7am-4pm) Alley 15mph
Warning Signs Help avoid surprise situations Road Conditions/ Dangers Ahead Road Construction or Maintenance Warns you to slow down
School Zone & School Crossing School Zone signs are posted 1 block around schools. School Crossings are posted in the actual crosswalk areas.
No Passing Zone Used with a solid, yellow line You may NOT pass any vehicles that are in front of you while in this area of the road.
Construction Signs Orange and red triangle will be posted on slow-moving vehicles. Be ready to slow, stop, or drive around workers.
Construction Signs (continued) Other items such as cones, drums, barricades, warning lights and arrow boards are used to help guide traffic.
Railroad Signs Rural areas: 750ft Urban areas: 250ft A large “X” painted on the ground or red flashing lights might accompany the signs. A cross buck are found at the tracks. White X and RR marked on road
Guide Signs Distance and Destination = Green Motorist Services = Blue Parks, recreation, cultural/historical points of interest = Brown