Lesson One: Well Balanced The Learning Kitchen
Dirty food prep area Frozen meat thawing on counter Refrigerator door left open Perishable food left out of refrigerator Knife left in sink Oven mitt on burner Pot handle hanging over edge of stove What’s Wrong in the Kitchen?
What causes a food borne illness? –Bacteria and germs may get into our food and can make us sick. –Not all germs and bacteria make us sick, but certain kinds do. Food Safety
Fight BAC!
The most effective way to remove germs is to… –Wash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds –When should you wash you hands? Before and after food prep After playing with pets After playing outside After using the bathroom Healthy Starts With Hand Washing!
What are some more fruits? Fruits
Can you think of anymore? Vegetables
What else is a protein? Protein
What other grains can you think of? Grains
What else is in the dairy food group? Dairy
Lesson Two: Fruit, Veggies, & Vitality The Learning Kitchen
Phytochemicals Fruits and vegetables get their color from different phytochemicals Eat the rainbow Fiber Why Should we Eat More Fruits and Vegetables?
Fruit on your cereal 100% fruit juice with breakfast Yogurt with fruit mixed in Try two different vegetables with dinner Fruits and vegetables as snacks: Cut up with dip Canned, fresh, or frozen, they all count! Anymore suggestions? How can you add more fruits and vegetables to your meals?
How much physical activity do kids need? 60 minutes each day What do you like to do for activity? Physical Activity
Aerobic Activity: increase heart rate and breathing Examples: Biking, running, swimming Strength Activity: builds and maintains muscles and bones Examples: lifting weights, carrying groceries Activities for Flexibility: increase range of joint movement Examples: yoga, gentle stretching, dancing Physical Activity
Activities (Mostly) Indoor Activities Benefits Everyday Activity Group Activities Jeopardy
Lesson Three: Go-To Grains The Learning Kitchen
Bread Rice Pasta Crackers Oatmeal Barely Tortillas Popcorn What is a Grain?
What is a whole grain? Contain entire kernel What are the benefits of a whole grain? More nutrients than refined How much do you need in one day? At least half of your grains should be whole The Whole Story
Whole Wheat Bread White Bread Which One is Whole Wheat?
Lesson Four: Sweet Enough The Learning Kitchen
Sugars and syrups added to food during processing or preparation What are some examples? –Soda –Cakes, cookies, pies –Fruit and energy drinks –Ice cream –Candy What are added sugars?
Sugars naturally occurring in foods Examples Include: –Milk –Fruit –Vegetables What are natural sugars?
Added sugar foods are sometimes: –High in fat –Low in vitamins and minerals –Adds calories without adding nutrients Why Limit Added Sugar?
Brown Sugar Corn Sweetener Dextrose Fructose Fruit Juice concentrate Glucose High-fructose corn syrup Honey Invert sugar Lactose Malt syrup Maltose Molasses Raw sugar Sucrose Syrup Table sugar Find the Sugars
Lesson Five: Strong and Healthy The Learning Kitchen
Strong and Healthy Benefits of CalciumBenefits of Vitamin D Healthy Teeth Strong Bones Helps prevent osteoporosis Aids proper nerve and muscle function Helps blood clot Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium Helps with bone development Helps the immune system function properly Sources of CalciumSources of Vitamin D
Sources of Calcium Dairy SourcesNon-Dairy Sources Milk Cheese Yogurt Tofu Canned sardines and salmon, with bones Dark leafy greens like beet greens and collards Fortified orange juice
Sources of Vitamin D Food sources: Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel Cheese Egg yolks It is also added to foods like most milk, cereals, and some juices and yogurt
Putting It All Together Lesson Six: Putting it all Together The Learning Kitchen
Fat Carbohydrates Protein Vitamins Minerals Water –Why do we need these nutrients? What are the SIX categories of Nutrients?
Eggs Poultry (chicken and turkey) Beans Seafood Meats Nuts Seeds Sources of Protein
Save time and money at the store Sticking to a list can save money Ensure balanced meals Save time at home Why should you Plan Ahead?
Healthy choices Quick to prepare Delicious Breakfast should include 3 food groups Snacks should include 2 food groups Plan your own Meals/Snacks