TAP service at ESAC - VOTAP Carlos Rios Diaz Science Archives Team (SAT) ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain VOTAP.


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Presentation transcript:

TAP service at ESAC - VOTAP Carlos Rios Diaz Science Archives Team (SAT) ESA-ESAC, Madrid, Spain VOTAP

Presentation Overview Getting started Architecture Service Capabilities Use cases Future expectations References

VOTAP – Getting started (1 / 2) Adaptation to our needs and solving some issues during the process Building of our own TAP service to make (in principle) 2XMMi and AKARI catalogues available Starting point: published code from the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) ESAC Aerial view Planning to make more catalogues available in a future

VOTAP – Getting started (2 / 2)  Added some extensions and new functionality, such as the following items: Set of mathematical and trigonometrical functions (100% ADQL compliant) supported 100% geometrical functions ADQL compliant supported Related to asynchronous performance (optional within TAP spec): Modifiable parameters for a job ( MAXREC, LANG, QUERY and FORMAT) Job deletion from user request Daemon checking destruction dates for every job to delete the expired ones  Our source code is available at: (VOTAP)  Remaining features to offer this source code as a toolkit Pending of a collaboration with other groups Automation of data ingestion Abstracting it from dependence on a specific database

Presentation Overview Getting started Architecture Service Capabilities Use cases Future expectations References

VOTAP - Architecture  Web service using Apache Axis 2 v1.4.1  Java JDK 1.6  Tomcat application server v6.0 with Java Virtual Machine 1.6  Database: PostgreSQL 8.3 with PgSphere extension  Easy access to the service (sync and async ways) and asynchronous job management, simply typing the proper URL in your favorite web browser  Easy addition of new catalogues Only a data ingestion of the sources and their parameters are needed to subscribe a new catalogue

VOTAP - Architecture  Asynchronous performance schematics

Presentation Overview Getting started Architecture Service Capabilities Use cases Future expectations References

VOTAP – Service Capabilities  The service offers the following capabilities: Checking of the service availability (if up or down) Published schemas Published tables on each schema Published columns for each public table To launch queries:  Synchronous (sync) performance  Asynchronous (async) performance All of this can be consulted on

Presentation Overview Getting started Architecture Service Capabilities Use cases Future expectations References

VOTAP – Use case on 2XMMi catalogue Use case #1 Search sources in a circle over 2XMMi catalogue [ using synchronous performance and an output restricted to 10 items ]  c.ra, c.dec from tap_schema.source_cat_epic as c where ( INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS GEOCENTER', 10.5, 41, 1),POINT('ICRS GEOCENTER', c.ra,c.dec))=1)&MAXREC=10 c.ra, c.dec from tap_schema.source_cat_epic as c where ( INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS GEOCENTER', 10.5, 41, 1),POINT('ICRS GEOCENTER', c.ra,c.dec))=1)&MAXREC=10

VOTAP – Use case on AKARI catalogue (1 / 2) Use case #2 Positional crossmatch between 2XMMi and II_298_FIS AKARI [ using asynchronous performance and an output restricted to 10 items ]  1 st step: create the job (*) c.ra, c.dec, f.RAJ2000, f.DEJ2000 from tap_schema.source_cat_epic as c, tap_schema.II_298_fis as f where(INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS GEOCENTER', f.RAJ2000, f.DEJ2000,.1),CIRCLE('ICRS GEOCENTER', c.ra, c.dec,.1))=1)&MAXREC=10http:// /votap/services/TapService/async?REQUEST=doQuery&LANG=ADQL&QUERY=select c.ra, c.dec, f.RAJ2000, f.DEJ2000 from tap_schema.source_cat_epic as c, tap_schema.II_298_fis as f where(INTERSECTS(CIRCLE('ICRS GEOCENTER', f.RAJ2000, f.DEJ2000,.1),CIRCLE('ICRS GEOCENTER', c.ra, c.dec,.1))=1)&MAXREC=10 * Annotate the JOB ID given as the result of the job creation  2 nd step (optional) : Check the new job is already included into the job list for the service  3 rd step (optional) : Watch the parameters for the job (**) ** substituting JOB_ID for the given ID

VOTAP – Use case on AKARI catalogue (2 / 2)  4 th step: Running the job  5 th step : Checking the job execution phase (until it will be COMPLETED or ERROR)  6 th step : According to the updated execution phase, view the result for the process: If COMPLETED without errors: If ERROR:

Presentation Overview Getting started Architecture Service Capabilities Use cases Future expectations References

VOTAP - Future Expectations Idea of releasing to the community a developer-friendly project as a toolkit to be able to construct TAP services Abstracting it from dependence on the PostgreSQL database (and its geometrical extension Pgsphere) Initiate a collaboration as a three-party enterprise Involved CADC – Spanish VO – ESAVO Sharing resources Avoiding many distinct branches To unify in a single way

Presentation Overview Getting started Architecture Service Capabilities Use cases Future expectations References

VOTAP - References  International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA)  Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL) version 2.0, IVOA recommendation 30 th October  Table Access Protocol (TAP) version 1.0, IVOA recommendation 27 th March  STC Space-Time Coordinate Metadata for VO version 1.33, IVOA recommendation 30 th October  VOTable Format Definition version 1.2, IVOA recommendation 30 th November