This document is designed to provide you with a summary of do’s and don’ts when mentoring. This document is not to be read in isolation but in conjunction with: Safeguarding and Protecting Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy Risk assessments for mentoring activity, travelling whilst mentoring and venue related risks Taking appropriate action Confidentiality and information sharing You will be expected to adhere to the Trust policies as well as those of the Local Partner All staff and athletes must note that there are compulsory and prohibited practises which must not be breached. If there is a breach of these protocols it must be reported. All incidents reported will be taken seriously and managed within The Dame Kelly Holmes Trust complaints and disciplinary procedures. The duty of care for young people referred onto the Trust's programmes lies with the Local Partner (LP) during all the sessions. If you are unsure at any stage of your responsibility then please contact Ned Brown, Adam Whitehead or Claire Bennett at The Dame Kelly Holmes Trust. If you find yourself at risk with any of the principles in this booklet you MUST contact The Trust on This facility is available to you at all times and therefore failure to do so is not an option. Other contact numbers in priority order: Ned Brown E: M: Adam Whitehead E: M: Delivery Protocols 1 OF 5
Transport Compulsory PractiseProhibited Practise Assess whether the offsite activity is necessary and practical. Seek permission from the host organisation to transport the young person off site. Use transport provided by the LP in the first instance. Use public transport in the second instance. Removing a young person from the hosts’ site without host permission. Transporting a young person via a method that has not been approved. Transporting a young person in your car – emergency only Compulsory PractiseProhibited Practise Contact The Trust for signoff, before the session. Should permission be granted, additional permission should be sought from the LP. Notify LP and The Trust of anticipated time of departure and time of arrival. Text The Trust when you have arrived at your destination. You MUST have the appropriate business insurance. Transporting a young person in your car without permission from The Trust AND LP. Leaving a young person in your car unsupervised. 2 OF 5 Delivery Protocols
Communicating with a young person Compulsory PractiseProhibited Practise Any Text or calls must be made on one of the Trust mobile phones. Contact the LP organisation to organise delivery of sessions. All Lead mentors are entitled to a Dame Kelly Holmes Trust account. All s should be received and made from that account and copy or blind copy Adam Whitehead. In emergency use, your own phone is allowable, but you number must be withheld at all times and you must log with a member of the core Trust team the details of the call. Direct mobile contact with the young person using your personal phone. Engage with referred young people or peers through social networking sites. Share your personal mobile number with a young person. a young person from a private account. Delete s from a Trust account. without copying or blind copying in Adam Whitehead. Make sexually suggestive comments to a young person, even in fun. 3 OF 5 Delivery Protocols
Conducting risk assessments Compulsory PractiseProhibited Practise Be aware of the content of the four generic risk assessment documents (to be read in conjunction with this document). Complete a risk assessment with Local Partner for each new activity delivered. Conduct a session without completing a risk assessment form. Location of one to one mentoring Compulsory PractiseProhibited Practise Agree the location of visits with the LP or parents/carers/teachers prior to the event. Complete a risk assessment with Local Partner prior to the session taking place. Obtain permission from The Trust to conduct one to one mentoring. Only meet in a communal parts of the school, sports hall or community centre. Conduct a session at a venue without prior consent of the LP or Dame Kelly Holmes Trust. Conduct an activity or session without completing the risk assessment form. Go into a young persons home Invite or allow young people to stay with you at your home. Take young people to a venue where they will be alone with you. 4 OF 5 Delivery Protocols
General Conduct Compulsory PractiseProhibited Practise Meet referred young people and peers within the remit of the programme. The LP maintains duty of care at all times for the young person until the session has been completed. Meet a referred young person or previously referred young person outside of the programme sessions. Leave the session until the safe dispersal of all young person/ people is complete or in the hands of the LP Use or allow young people to use inappropriate language unchallenged. Treat some young people more favourably than others. Cause an individual to lose self esteem by embarrassing, humiliating or undermining the individual. Allow or engage in any form of inappropriate physical touching or sexual contact or behaviour. 5 OF 5 If you find yourself at risk with any of the principles in this booklet you MUST contact The Trust on This facility is available to you at all times and therefore failure to do so is not an option. Other contact numbers in priority order: Ned Brown E: M: Adam Whitehead E: M: Delivery Protocols