1H Results 2005 Strong growth in all businesses March 2010 The Endesa Experience of the Ombudsman
1 Data on complaints handled by Endesa Customer Ombudsman: principles of action, objectives and procedures Claims resolved by the Ombudsman in 2009 Other activities carried out Recommendations made by the Ombudsman Perception of the customers who have requested the Ombudsman's intervention Index
2 Data on complaints received by Endesa Nº Customers Nº complaints Recurring complaints Variation 2,64% % -3% +0,28% +148% 6,57% Unresolved complaints (1,96%) +355% (3,60%) Complaints vs contracts
3 Service channels that ENDESA makes available to its customers Call Centre Attends all issues related to customer service: contracting services meter readings, changes, etc. Service Points Sales Offices Endesa Online Three call centre platforms Capacity to attend to more than 10M calls p.a. Operators: 1,500 Network of customer service offices staffed by personnel from outside ENDESA, located throughout the country in order to get closer to the customers 432 on home territory Almost 3M contacts with customers Network of customer service offices staffed by own personnel 43 offices on home distribution territory Approximately 1M contacts with customers Virtual office accessible via the corporate website in which customers can carry out personalised procedures More than 100,000 registered customers 1 million transactions p.a.
4 Complaints received Complaints received: Electricity – Last Resource Tariff Electricity- Distribution Gas Electricity- Free Market
5 How ENDESA handles complaints Defines criteria and procedures. Control and follow-up of overall complaint handling process. Coordination with Regional Complaints Units. Specialist complaints management team. Located in each Company region (5). Handle complaints directly or with those involved in the processes. Follow-up and control of the entire process in the region. Central Complaints Unit CCU Regional Complaints Units RCUs
6 Why have a Customer Ombudsman? Endesa is the only company in the Spanish energy sector with a Customer Ombudsman. Endesa’s Customer Ombudsman became active in November The Ombudsman works independently of the Company's management team. He offers an additional means of dialogue in connection with the services offered in the Spanish market. The Customer Ombudsman's decisions are binding for Endesa.
7 Customer Ombudsman: principles of action The Customer Ombudsman is governed by the principles of independence, conciliation, justice and fairness. The following are excluded from the Ombudsman's remit: Business outside Spain. Corporate relations with shareholders. Corporate relations with employees. Cases to be decided by judicial authorities, public administrations or other legal or regulatory bodies. The Ombudsman handles direct complaints from affected customers and indirect complaints from third-party representatives (consumer associations, etc.).
8 The Customer Ombudsman: two main goals Restore trust between the customer and the Company, thus avoiding cases going to court and aggravating differences between the two parties. Promote changes aimed at improving Company procedures with regards to quality of service.
9 Action procedure 2 months
10 Actions carried out by the Customer Ombudsman in 2009 Complaints received: % 789 Out of scope Yes Scope 975 RESULTS SUMMARY Type of complainant Domestic customers 93% Services 3% Trade 3% Others 1% Intermediaries No Intermediary 86% Consumer Assoc. 13% Others 1%
11 Type of complaint Quality of supply Billing Measurement New supply 25% 1% 17% 56% Others 2% Requested amounts Type of complaint 0 € < €300 €300 – 600 > 3.000€ > €6,000
12 Two ways: Mediation and resolution 80% of the complaints are resolved by means of mediation.
13 Resolutions issued by the Ombudsman In favour of the customer Partially in favour Unfavourable Financial compensation not requested Financial compensation requested Total Resolutions: 202
14 Other activities Industry: Unesa & Energy Companies Institutional Relations CNE, Instituto Nacional de Consumo, Consumer Associations, Direcciones Generales de Energía, etc. Training: 20 Workshops a 500 employees on mediation and communication skills. European Energy Ombudsmen Group European Commission: Citizens Energy Forum
15 Recommendations Issued by the Ombudsman to improve transparency of customer services: in the free market, in the treatment of repeated complaints and to improve service channels. related to Rights and Obligations in accordance with current legislation (published on the website of Endesa), regarding the responsibilities of clients in relation to their own facilities, and their rights in the demand of new supplies. related to meter reading, billing and collection processes: turnover of individual cases (cumulative or erroneous billings), cutting and handling of complaints, including registration, control and monitoring. related to quality of supply complaints to improve operating procedures in their management (technical visits and survey) and incidents caused by third parties
16 Customers' perceptions
17 Customers' perceptions Service received is what they value most. Administration and response time is what they value least. 75% believe that the Ombudsman improves the Company's image. Customers whose complaints have been handled via a mediation process are the most satisfied.