1 CSCE 5013: Hot Topics in Mobile and Pervasive Computing Nilanjan Banerjee Hot Topic in Mobile and Pervasive Computing University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR
2 A day in the life of a graduate student why is a Ph.D. so painful??? was better without a Ph.D. morning day night
3 So what have I been using all this time mobile phones social networks sensors GPS laptops embedded sensors
4 Other super cool applications!! UMass TurtleNet UMass Bus network Open Wi-Fi APsVolcano monitoring Princeton ZebraNet Underwater networks
5 Everything around qualifies as “Mobile/Pervasive Systems” “Pervasive” = “ubiquitous” = present everywhere Embedded in your environment Sensors, RFIDs, microcontrollers “Mobile” = anything that moves A broad class of systems qualify as mobile systems Laptops, cell phones, vehicular networks, wildlife networks Applications are endless Mobile phone applications, general purpose computing, smart homes, health care, RFID-based localization, battery less computing
6 Why should I care? You use it everyday in almost everything you do Can not more emphasize its practicality Important to understand the challenges involved Very hot and open field---a lot is still to be done Combination of networking, embedded systems, sensor systems, location aware services, security Right time to do a Ph.D. in it Jobs still exist at Microsoft, Google, Nokia…. Fun area to work in Build apps for iPhones, Android, Windows mobile Super cool sensor/pervasive systems for monitoring, surveillance, day-to-day applications
7 Not convinced yet! Millions of dollars invested by NSF, Darpa, Microsoft, and Google ~4 Billion cellular phones being used worldwide…
8 How is this field different from tethered computing? wireless and mobile wired and static low channel loss rate traditional transport works predictable performance available connectivity high channel loss rates traditional networking fails long period of outages fleeting connectivity
9 How is this field different from tethered computing? AC-powered (infinite energy) Battery-powered (infinite energy) applications not predicated on an energy constraint almost everything tied to energy
10 Areas unique and will be covered in this course will add to this list as time permits wireless networking Sensor systems energy management localization mobile social systems cloud computing
11 How will these topics be taught Lean how to program Windows Mobile 7 Learn how to use the platform to understand localization, cloud computing, wireless networking Using microsoft resources Microsoft SDK Web services (Azure) Hawaii toolkit
12 Advantages of using WM 7 Very good support from Microsoft Research Blogs, mailing list etc. I will encourage you to Every group will work with real WM7 phones High end phones with accelerometer, compass, WiFi, GPS, and I will also provide 3G connectivity Hawaii competition Best project will compete with universities across the country for a cash award
13 How would the grading take place? Research paper reviews and discussion related to research topics (20%) In class problem solving (10%) Interesting interview questions for software companies like Microsoft, Google, CISCO Take home midterm (30%) Mostly testing your analytical thinking and understanding Mobile phone development project (40%) Groups of at most two
14 I hate research papers but still got to read them… Important component of the course Reviews are due before 12:00 a.m. of day of class Submit reviews to Subject: “CS5013: Paper review” Reading papers can become a boring activity Follow advice from GA-6, GA-7 My advice (follow it with a grain of salt ) *Do not* summarize the paper alone Critically analyze the faults in the paper (no paper is perfect!) How can you use the paper in your research
15 Interaction: Class discussions Class will be composed of two components Learning and applying Windows Mobile and Cloud computing Understanding current research in the area through paper reading One course take home mid-term You will have 24-hours to solve it No collaboration allowed Test your analytical thinking and course understanding
16 The coolest part: group research project Major chunk of the course is a research project (40%) Groups of at most two Goal is to have a WM phone demo by the end of the course No demo => no grades Groups of at most 2 Organize yourself Every group will maintain a google site describing the progress of the project All brainstorming happens on the google site – I will follow it closely All source code and documentation will be distributed through the google site
17 Example research project 3G/Wi-Fi database cloud services sensors Bluetooth location service sensor data + location + video? inform doctors
18 Where is the computer science research here? networking issues reliability data rate machine learning services Energy Management
19 Other ideas come and talk to me during my office hours!
20 Lets get started with WM 7 development Getting the development environment working… Getting accustomed to C# and the Windows Mobile Emulator Start playing around with the platform. Resources Hawaii : us/um/redmond/projects/hawaii/students/ us/um/redmond/projects/hawaii/students/ Free e-book: 0/10/28/free-ebook-programming-windows-phone-7-by- charles-petzold.aspx
21 Administrivia… Course webpage and reading list My id: Class hours: 11:30 – 12:20 M, Wed, Fri Office hours: 3:00-5:00 Monday or by appointment Come and talk to me if you Want stuff added/removed from the course Ideas for new projects and applications Phones would be distributed soon.
22 Next class Set up the WM development environment on your Vista or Windows 7 machine Teaching you how to use and write simple applications for the phone with the emulator me your groups for your projects before the beginning of next class and brainstorm on ideas and create a google site.