Michigan Health & Hospital Association and Gift of Life Michigan Welcome to the MHA Keystone: Gift of Life Webinar Wednesday, March 27, :00 pm – 3:00 pm Please stand by… The webinar will begin shortly… Due to the attendance today, all participant lines will be muted upon entry. If you have a comment or question, please use the Chat function. Chats can be directed either privately to the host, or publically to all attendees. If a pop-up box does not appear with instructions to receive a call-back, go to “Communicate” in the top menu, click “Teleconference”, and then “Join Teleconference”. Enter your phone number and the WebEx system will call you. To receive technical assistance, please press *0 and you will be connected to a WebEx Specialist.
National Support for Donation and Transplantation: Driving Collaboration and Advocacy in Michigan Hospitals Introductions: Ashley Renkes Hospital Services Associate, Gift of Life Michigan Questions: Please type questions into the chat box. A question and answer session will take place at 2:50 pm. If you prefer to pose your question anonymously, please direct the chat to the “Host and Presenter” so that your question is sent only to them. Today’s topic:
Today’s Speakers Helen W. Bottenfield Executive Director, Organ Donation and Transplantation Alliance Michael Hudson Director of Hospital Development Arkansas Regional Organ Recovery Agency Cyndy Kirschbaum Donation Coordinator II, Gift of Life Michigan Christy Marrocco Hospital Services Director, Gift of Life Michigan
Gift of Life Michigan Michigan Hospital Association Helen Bottenfield, Executive Director, ODTA March 27, 2013
Healthcare Crisis Hypertension Obesity Diabetes Kidney & Heart Disease Increasing need for transplantation Waiting list candidates 117, 276 ( )
Shifting Paradigms From Problem Orientation To SOLUTION Orientation
DSA Leadership Accountability For Performance Donor Hospitals MI Donor Registry Transplant Center Hospitals Michigan Hospital Association DSA Leadership Team Joint Accountability for DSA Performance
Organ Donation & Transplantation Alliance M ission To establish shared goals, align and support the efforts of the diverse stakeholders stakeholders, and work collaboratively to heal the greatest number of lives through donation and transplantation
American College of Healthcare Executives American Hospital Association American Society of Transplantation American Society of Transplant Surgeon Association of Organ Procurement Organizations Society of Critical Care Medicine The Joint Commission United Network for Organ Sharing Organ Procurement Organizations Member Organizations
(OPTN Data, February 2013)
Community of Practice Action Leaders CEO/Exec Leadership Summit QI Task Force & PI Summit Donor Management Task Force Transplant Center Task Force Peds & Adult Donor Management Summit National Learning Congress 2014 Strong Partnerships Creating Opportunities
National Learn- ing Congress National Learning Congress Quality Improvement Taskforce Donor Management Taskforce Executive Leadership Summit DSA Action Teams Deceased Donor Potential Study Donor Designation State Teams Engaging leadership Public is engaged and proactive Set clinical practice & disciplined process Potential is anchored, new goals set DSA accountability system Celebrate results, and re-energize Integrated DSA goals Performance Improvement/q uality process Transplant Center Taskforce Approaching Issues… Developing Solutions on Variety of Fronts
Donor Management Task Force Optimize organ viability Encourage appropriate donation path – BD/DCD Improve timely determination of BD Advance knowledge base Workgroups : DSA Practices – Toolbox Declaration of death – AAN guidelines Scientific Knowledge – Standard outcome measures
Transplant Center Task Force Improve engagement of transplant centers in DSA and DTCP Recognize high performance meaningfully Improve and share quality processes Workgroups: Awards Criteria – Performance goals Best Practices – Quality toolbox Communication – NATCO abstract, TMF poster
Quality Improvement Task Force Use data to drive performance Implement formal quality processes Assess DSA-wide performance Develop educational opportunities Workgroups: Core measures – Quarterly Scorecard Performance/Best Practices – Composite yield Education – PI Summit
May 2012, capacity increased from 150 to 500 virtual seats due to demand Transplant Center, Get Connected, and Support & Advocacy Webinar series More webinar type meetings planned in 2013 Topic specific with CEUs, CMEs Declaration of Brain Death Schedule posted at organdonationalliance.org DTCP Webinars
2012 National Learning Congress >1200 Participants 45 member faculty 6 Tracks Donor Designation Advocacy Donor Management Transplantation Pediatric Leadership National Learning Congress
Our Goals Share Knowledge Measure Performance Save Lives
23 Breakthrough Improvement Will to do what it takes to change to a new system Ideas on which to base the design of the new system Execution of the ideas
Questions to consider… What is your hospitals biggest challenge in the current donation process? How can you partner with Gift of Life Michigan to eliminate barriers to improved performance and outcomes? WhoWho has a role in making the donation process work for patients and families?
A Culture of Donation Just what is it? How do you know it exists? What can you do to help cultivate it? What does it mean to your organization? –To your community? –To you and your family?
**S AVE THE D ATES ** 2013 NATIONAL PEDIATRIC ORGAN DONATION SUMMIT for the Donation and Transplantation Community of Practice Ft. Worth, TX | July 24-25, 2013 TO REGISTER VISIT: Registration Opens: April 16, 2013
**S AVE THE D ATES ** 2013 NATIONAL DONOR MANAGEMENT SUMMIT S EPTEMBER 25-26, 2013 | L OS A NGELES, CA for the Donation and Transplantation Community of Practice TO REGISTER VISIT: Registration Opens: June 17, 2013
Helpful websites HRSA.gov DonateLife.net HealthcareCommunities.org thedtcp.com organdonationalliance.org
Organ Donation & Transplantation Alliance V ision A national organ donation and transplantation system driven by a diverse community of practice that is focused on healing lives, inspires public trust, and works collectively toward a shared mission
Gallery of Hope Art Contest Michael Hudson Director of Hospital Development Arkansas Regional Organ Recovery Agency
Organ Donation Toolbox Cyndy Kirschbaum RN, BSN, CPTC Donation Coordinator II Gift of Life Michigan MHA Webinar March 27, 2013
Donor Management Task Force 2010-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Organ Donation and Transplantation Alliance (the Alliance). The task force will address opportunities to improve outcomes of, and decrease the variation among OPOs and hospitals in, donor management practices.
DSA Practices Subcommittee Develop recommendations that can be implemented by donation service area’s (DSA’s) and hospitals that will improve the quality and outcomes of donor management practices. Review current donation performance data and guidelines Identify, propose, disseminate, and evaluate best practices in donor management
What is the Organ Donation Toolbox? Mission Statement: Identify best practices and resources for donor hospitals and organ procurement organizations to utilize in real-time to assist in donor management and increased organ availability.
What are the Tools? Organ Donation Toolbox (413) Catastrophic Brain Injury Guidelines (11) Checklists (20) Donation After Circulatory Determination of Death (62) Donor Designation (9) Donor Hospital Information (16) Donor Management (58) Electronic Medical Records (7) Intensivist Involvement Models (9) Legal and Regulatory References (67) Neurologic Determination of Death (12) OPO Hospital Services (63) Pediatric Donation (51) Policies for Evolving Practices (1) Quality (22) Survey Readiness (5)
How can the toolbox help me? The toolbox is accessible anywhere at anytime from your computer, smart phone or iPad to provide real-time resources for: – Referral/Donor Management – Catastrophic Brain Injury Guidelines – Neurologic Determination of Death – Donation After Circulatory Determination of Death – Donor Designation – Legal and Regulatory Refe rences Do you have a donation question? Just ask the toolbox…
Just Ask the Toolbox…
How do I find it and use it? Go to or Add this Web based APP to your iPhone: – It's easy to add a link to a URL to the home screen on the iPhone. When you're looking at a web page, expand page to center toolbox icon in viewing screen, just hit "+" (Box with arrow on iPhone) select "Add to Home Screen", enter title and hit add. Add this App to your Android: – Bookmark the page you want to add to a home screen, Go to the home screen you want to add the link to, – long-press in an empty space to bring up the "Add to Home Screen" menu – select "Shortcuts" select "Bookmark"
Toolbox Homepage
CBIGs - Adult
CBIGs – Adult – Guidelines
Requests and Offers If you have questions or would like to offer material for the toolbox, please contact: Karen Libs DTCP Consultant
Michigan Hospital Awards Christy Marrocco Hospital Services Director
Michigan Organ Donors
Michigan Hospital Medal of Honors
National Learning Congress 2012
Question & Answer Session Ashley Renkes (Moderator) Hospital Services Associate, Gift of Life Michigan
To ask a question… Please type questions into the chat box If you prefer to pose your question anonymously, please direct the chat to the “Host and Presenter” so that your question is sent only to them.
Gift of Life Michigan Symposium The Evolving World of Donation and Transplantation Keystone Symposium for physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals Thursday, May 30, :30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Suburban Collection Showplace, Novi, MI To register: giftoflifemichigan.org/KeystoneSymposiumregistration $60 Advance registration (before April 15) $75 Registration Fee (as of April 15) Approved for 5.5 CMEs/CEUs/CRCEs
Evaluation Please take time to complete an evaluation as you log out of today’s webinar – your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for joining us! Upon exit from today’s webinar, you should be directed to the evaluation. Please log out by clicking “File” “Exit.”