Access Web Services as Database: Abhishek Khanolkar
Is it possible to connect the disparate environments like the web services and the web applications? In other words is it possible to consume data propagated by the web services based in the database?
In disparate environments web services make crossing the environment barriers easier because web services communicate using XML and XML is platform independent language. If you use Web Sphere Information Integrator it is possible to access data propagated by the web service.
‘The State of New Jersey Saved an estimated $500,000 in IT development costs and expects to save as much as $8 million dollars overall by automating the information integration of data from four disparate systems into agency specific data marts ’.
In this paper I am using DB2 as a database, IBM’s Rational Application Developer as an Application development package and Web Sphere Information Integrator as a middleware.
The first step in the process (Tutorials) is to check if the web service is working. is a web site which lists many web services. Once you are on the site you click full services link and that gives the list of all the available web services.
Application development is done using WSAD or RAD. The database at the back is DB2 which had the web service and has been tested to work. The tutorial explains this step by step process to do the job.
DB2 DB2 is IBM’s Relational Database management System. IBM now calls it data server. DB2 Universal Database is a free version of database made available by IBM. Oracle and Microsoft has also made available their database as free versions. The good thing about DB2 is that it lets users download only those features essential to the user, thus avoiding huge and hefty downloads.
IBM’s RAD is originally WSAD (WebSphere Application Developer). RAD is and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for designing, constructing Web services, and Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) applications. J2EE includes technologies such as Servlets and JSP.Java 2 Enterprise Edition
Oracle has Web Service Manager to mange Web Service and defines the policies of Web Services. This product does not allow accessing web service as database. Microsoft’s SQL server does not have the same kind of features as RAD and DB2
WSAD makes the job easier by its ready to use tools and the combination of the three is awesome. In the study I got to use RAD, WSII and DB2, it was enriching experience.