 Genetic Mutations Accelerated Biology. What is a Mutation?  A mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence of a gene. Mutations in a gene's DNA.


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Presentation transcript:

 Genetic Mutations Accelerated Biology

What is a Mutation?  A mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence of a gene. Mutations in a gene's DNA sequence can alter the amino acid sequence of the protein.  Some causes of mutations include:  Radiation, carcinogens, and ultraviolet light.

What is a Deletion Mutation?  A mutation in which one or more bases are omitted from the strand.  Example: Regular sentence: Pet the bad cat With a deletion mutation: 1. Ptt heb adc at (e is deleted) 2. Pet the cat (if three are deleted)

What is an Addition Mutation?  A mutation in which one or more bases are added.  Example: Regular sentence: Pet the bad cat With an addition mutation: 1. Pae tth eba dca t

What is a Frameshift Mutation?  When one or two bases are left out or added, and all of the codons after the mutation are now different. If 3 are bases are deleted or added, NO frame shift will occur.  Example: Regular sentence: Pet the bad cat With a frameshift mutation: 1. Ptt heb adc at 2. Pet tth eba dca t

What is a Substitution Mutation?  A mutation in which one base is put in the strand in place of another  Example: Regular sentence: Pet the bad cat With a substitution mutation: Put the bad cat  Usually NOT a frame shift mutation because there are still three codons in the base. Only one is messed up.

Types of Mutations