By: 6 th Grade 2 nd Period 11/12
MS Friday, January 06, 2012 Period 2 Computer #26
Where and How of Strawberries Strawberries are mostly grown in Mexico. They are also grown in Canada, Israel, New Zealand, Australia, etc. In the United States, California are where strawberries are grown the most. It’s also grown in Florida, Louisiana, etc. Strawberries originated in Italy.
Strawberry Facts There are more than 600 varieties of strawberries. California grows about 85% of the strawberries available today in the United States. There are over 200 seeds on the outside of every strawberries. Do not wash strawberries until you are to eat them.
Nutritional Value High in Vitamin C. A great source of Fiber. A source of other vitamins and minerals. Count 8 strawberries as one serving of fruit. Eat Strawberries they are very good for you.
Where and How of Carrots Carrots originated in Near East of Middle Asia. In the world carrots are grown the most in Canada, Mexico, and Israel. In the United States, carrots are grown the most in California. They are also grown in Florida, Texas, etc.
Carrot Facts Carrots are related to the celery, parsley and herbs. Carrots have more sugar than most other vegetables. Carrots are available all year around.
Nutritional Value High in Vitamin A. A great source of Vitamin C. A good source of others vitamins and minerals.
BK Period #2 Computer# 17
Where and How of Pineapple The Pineapple first originated at the Island of Guadeloupe. Pineapple was first discovered by Christopher Columbus in the 1600’s. He had brought the fruit to Queen Isabella. Today pineapple is only grown in Hawaii because of its tropical region.
Pineapple Facts Was first discovered in the 1600’s. It takes 2 years to fully grow a pineapple. If you eat too much pineapple you might get a sore on your tongue because of the citrus acid. Pineapple must be grown in a tropical area. If you twist off the top of a pineapple and plant it in the ground another pineapple will grow.
Nutritional Value Pineapple is high in vitamin C. It is also loaded with citrus acid. Just 2 slices of pineapple will equal one serving.
Where and How of Carrots Carrots originated in the pre 900’s in Afghanistan. They are grown mostly in Canada now but there are many more. In the U.S. carrots are grown in California but there is a ton more states that they are grown in. The carrots were first introduced to North America in the 1600’s.
Carrot Facts Carrots were first used as medicine before they were eaten. Yellow and purple carrot varieties were grown until the 1600’s. Today’s orange carrots were probably developed in the late 1600’s.
Nutritional Value An awesome source of vitamin A. Also a great source of vitamin C. Just 1 carrot is equal to 3 servings.
CC 1/6/2012 Per.2 Computer # 4
Where and How of Blueberries Blueberries originated in Canada, Chile,and New Zealand. They’re grown mostly in Michigan. They’re also grown in Michigan, New Jersey, Maine and etc. (in the United States ) Almost all the blueberries in the world are grown in North America.
Blueberry facts Since 1985, blueberries have became very popular. Blueberries are the member of the Ericaceae family. Blueberries are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. Almost all blueberries are grown in North America.
Nutritional Value Blueberries are a good source of fiber. And a good source of vitamin C A good source of vitamins and minerals.
Where and How tomatoes Tomato originated in Canada, Mexico, Belgium, Spain, and Israel. They where also grown in this parts of the United States, Florida, California, etc.
Tomato facts Tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family. Tomatoes are botanically a fruit. There are more then 500 varieties of tomatoes seeds. Tomatoes taste best at room tempeture.
Nutritional Value High in vitamin a and c. A good source of potassium. High in Caroteroid Lycopene A good source of other vitamin and minerals.
GJ 1/6/12 Period 2 Computer #6
Where and How of Strawberries Strawberries are grown mostly in other countries like Italy, New Zeland, Canada Columbia, and more Strawberries grow in the USA. California, Michigan, and Florida grow strawberries.
Strawberry Facts Early settlers in the 1600 enjoyed strawberries grown by Native Americans. In Italy Strawberries were grown for over 200 years. 8 Strawberries count as 1 serving of fruit. Strawberries grow more than once in a harvesting season.
Nutritional Value Strawberries are a good source of fiber. They are high in vitamin C.
Where and How of Broccoli Broccoli is grown in Canada and Mexico. It is grown in many states in the USA.
Broccoli Facts Broccoli is used as a pizza topping. It is delicious cooked or raw. Broccoli is a favorite Ancient Roman snack. Broccoli has grown in the US for over 200 years Raw broccoli is good with ranch dressing
Nutritional Value Broccoli id a great source of vitamin C and A. It is high in fiber. 1 spear of broccoli count as 1 serving of Veggies.
NW Friday, January 06, 2012 Period 2 Computer 32
Where and How of Watermelon Watermelons are grown in Mexico. They are also grown in California in the United States. Another top producer in the United States is Florida. Many other States produce watermelons.
Watermelon Facts They are available year round in the U.S. There are over 500 varieties. Most watermelons are red but, some are yellow or orange. The vines of watermelon when growing spread way out. Watermelons are part of the Cucumber family.
Nutritional Value Watermelon is High in Vitamin A. Many other Vitamins and Minerals. One slice or one cup counts as one of your five a day.
Where and How of Celery Found in Mexico. Also found in Canada. In the U.S. California is the top producer. Many other states also produce Celery.
Celery Facts Celery likes cool regions and plenty of water to grow. All of the Celery plant is edible. The two main types are Golden Heart and Pascal. Pascal is also known as Green Celery.
Nutritional Value Very good source of Vitamin C. Two stalks is one serving. Count two stalks as one of your one a day.
TR 1/12/12 2 Computer 21
Where and how of bananas Bananas were originated in Central America Bananas are grown in the country Ecuador
Banana facts Bananas were discovered over 2000 years ago Bananas were officially introduced to Americans at the 1876 Philadelphia centennial Exhibition Bananas are usually grown in tropical areas
Nutritional Value Bananas are a good source of vitamin c Count one banana a day as one serving
TR 1/11/12 Per:2 com:21
Corn facts Corn is usually sweet after picked You can grill or roast in its husk or foil
Where and how of corn Corn was originated in Florida They are also grown in Texas
Nutritional Value Corn has a good source of fiber Corn also has vitamin d in it along with fruit
JJ Computer #12
Where and How of Bananas Bananas aren’t grown in the United States. They are grown in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rico, etc. Bananas originated from India, and were discovered by Alexander the Great over 2,000 years ago. Today the bananas we eat come from South America.
Banana Facts Bananas were one of the first fruits to be cultivated. Bananas are usually picked when they are a greenish color so they last longer. Bananas usually grow in pairs of 6.
Nutritional Value Bananas are a good source of vitamin C. They are also a good source of fiber and potassium. 1 banana would be a serving.
Where and How of Broccoli Broccoli was originated from France in the 1500’s. It is grown in Illinois, California, etc. Broccoli is also grown in Mexico, Costa Rico, and Canada.
Broccoli Facts Broccoli has been around for almost 2,000 years. It comes from the Italian word Broco. Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family. The fuzzy broccoli tops are a group of flower buds ready to flower.
Nutritional Value Broccoli is a good source of vitamin C and A. It is also a good source of other vitamins and minerals.
KR 1/6/12 Period 2 Coputer#22
Where and How of Strawberries California grows 85% of the strawberries available in USA. Strawberries grew wildly in Italy. California grew most of the strawberries. Louisiana and Michigan helped grow the strawberries. In the world, Mexico grew most of the strawberries. Costa Rica and New Zealand helped grow the strawberries.
Strawberry Facts Strawberries are members of the Rosaceae, or rose family. There are more than 600 varities of straw berries. There are over 200 seeds on the outside of every strawberry. Strawberries are delicate---and taste best when eaten right away. Don’t wash strawberries until ready to eat them. Strawberries also can be grown in high elevation tropical areas.
Nutritional Value High in vitamin C Great source of fiber Other vitamins and minerals too Count 8 delicious strawberries as 1 serving.
Where and How of Celery It originated in Mediterranean. California grew the most celery stalks. In the world, Mexico grew the most celery. Michigan and Ohio helped grow the celery. Canada and Guatemala helped grow celery.
Celery Facts 2 main types of celery are Pascal and Golden Heart. Celery is related to carrot, celeriac also known as celery root, fennel, caraway, and anise. planted in areas that remain moist and likes to grow in cool regions not hot weather. Celery is a member of the umbelliferae, or parsley family.
Nutritional Value A source Vitamin C other vitamins and minerals. Count 2 stalks as 1 serving.
BS Friday, January 06, 2012 Period 2 Computer # 24
Where and How of Bananas: Bananas are not grown anywhere in the U.S.A. They are grown in tropical places like Mexico. This bright fruit originated in India. Alexander the Great discovered bananas. The bananas we eat come from South America.
Banana Facts: Bananas were introduced to Americans at a 1876 fair where they were wrapped in foil and sold to people for ten cents each. Bananas are related to the Lily and Orchid family. Bananas grow on a type of Herb. (Not a tree!)
Nutritional Value: This bright fruit is high in Vitamin C. It is also high in Potassium. Bananas are moderate in Fiber. One Banana is ONE serving!!
Where and How of Broccoli: This super fruit originated in Rome, France, and Italy. The Broccoli we might eat is grown in California or Texas. Broccoli is also grown in Mexico or Canada. Broccoli was first commercially grown in Brooklyn, New York.
Broccoli Facts: The head of a Broccoli spear is actually tiny flower buds, ready to bloom. Broccoli “Florets” are available for purchases in bags.
Nutritional Value: Broccoli is high in Vitamin C and A. This veggie also has a lot of Fiber. One broccoli spear is one serving. Broccoli contains indoles, and isothiocyanites.
SS 1/6/12 Per 2 Computer 28
Where and How of Raspberries. They are mostly grown in Canada. They are also grown in California. They were originated in Canada in the 1800’s. Some are also grown in the northern states like Wisconsin and Michagin.
Raspberry Facts Raspberries are a member of the rose family. They can be frozen and still be fresh. The smell of raspberries can calm people down.
Nutritional value They are high in fiber. They have tons of vitamins and minerals. They are also high in vitamin C.
Where and How of Peppers. Most come from Mexico. A lot of the others come from California.
Pepper Facts. Peppers come in six different colors. Green, red, purple, orange, yellow, and brown. Green peppers can change to red if they are left on the vine too long. One pepper = one serving.
Nutritional facts. High in vitamin C. They have tons of vitamins and minerals. Orange peppers can help with your vision.
Jayne Rush January 6, 2012 Period:2 Computer #:18 JR January 6,2012 Period:2 Computer # : 18
The Apple originated in Europe. In the United States the apple is grown in Washington and many other states. The apple is also grown in other countries not just the United States like Canada, and many more. Where and How of Apples
Apple Facts Apples were known to ancient cave dwellers. The Egyptians and Romans introduced apples to the British. Early Americans brought apple seeds from Europe and planted trees in Massachusetts and Virginia. Apples are mentioned in the bible - that’s how old they are!
Nutritional Value The apple is high in fiber. The apple is also a source of vitamins and minerals. Count one apple as a serving towards your 5 servings a day.
Where and How of Corn Corn originated in Mexico. In the United States corn is mostly grown in Florida but its also grown in many other states Corn is also grown in many other countries other than the United States like Mexico, and Canada.
Corn Facts Corn is one of the World’s most important crops. Corn kernels can be yellow, white or a combination of both. Most corn that is grown is super sweet. Corn is also a member of the grain family.
Nutritional Value Corn has a lot of Vitamin C Corn is a good source of fiber It is also a good source of other vitamins and minerals. Count one serving of corn as your one of your 5 servings a day.
CK 1/6/12 Period 2 Computer #13
Where and How of Blueberries Blueberries originated in North America. The top producer of blueberries in the U.S. Other producers of blueberries in the U.S. are Florida, Maine, California, and some other states too! Canada also grows blueberries. Chile and New Zealand grow them too, but not as much.
Blueberry Facts Blueberries are part of the Ericeae family. Since 1985 blueberries have become very popular. Almost all the blueberries in the world are grown in North America. Half the blueberries grown are used in foods like bread, muffins, pancakes, and jelly. Native Americans used blueberries in medicine.
Nutritional Value Blueberries are a great source of vitamin C. They are also a great source of Fiber and some other vitamins and minerals. One half cup of blueberries is equal to 1serving of fruit.
Where and How of Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are mostly grown in North Carolina. California, Virginia, and Louisiana grow them too. Sweet Potatoes originated in the West Indies. They are only grown in the U.S.
Sweet Potato facts It is a ‘root’ vegetable. Sweet potatoes are also known as yams. They are one of the most nutritious vegetables. Sweet potatoes are part of the “morning glory” family. They are classified by ‘moist-fleshed’ or ‘dry-fleshed. They are orange colored and have a sweet flavor. Garnet, Jewel, Beauregard, and Jersey are popular varieties of sweet potatoes.
Nutritional value They are very high in Vitamin A and C. Sweet potatoes are a good source of other vitamins and minerals too. One medium sweet potato is equal to one serving of vegetables.
KS, 01/11/12 per 2 computer 25
Where and How of Peaches Peaches first originated in China Peach trees can grow to be thirty feet tall but to produce they must be twelve feet tall in prehistoric times cultivated in China Grown in California Grow also in Chile, Canada, and Mexico
Peach Facts Peaches are a great snack with cream cheese The peach is a member of the roscoe or rose family The texture is slippery like soap (but doesn't taste like soap)
Nutritional Value High in vitamin C A good source of vitamins and minerals
Where and how broccoli Broccoli is grown in California Broccoli is also grown in Mexico First discovered by ancient Romains
Broccoli facts A favorite food of ancient Romains Texture is hard and crunchy First commercially grown in Brooklyn, New York
Nutritional Value High in fiber High in vitamin C A good source of vitamin A A source of vitamins and minerals