A Brief Guide to Better Bible Study Michael Morrison
Bible study is not difficult
Our goals 1.Discover the important angles 2.Ask the most productive questions 3.Focus our attention on the things most likely to help us understand
Three contexts 1.Historical context 2.Literary context 3.Personal context
A. Military & political history
F. F. Bruce and David F. Payne, Israel and the Nations (Inter- Varsity, 1998)
B. Culture: customs of the people
James S. Jeffers, The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era (InterVarsity, 1999)
C. Specific situation
Two historical settings: – In the ministry of Jesus – In the setting of the early church
2. The literary context
Original message Modern audience Transmitted by means of a text
gen·re (zhän'rə) n. A type or class – A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, marked by a distinctive style, form, or content. – A realistic style of painting that depicts scenes from everyday life. [French, from Old French, genre, meaning kind, from Latin genus, gener-.]
Themes found in the literary work we are studying
The flow of an argument – reasons building toward a conclusion – Often, a conclusion followed by a reason – Words such as “for” “so that” “therefore”
George Ladd, Theology of the New Testament (Eerdmans, 1993)
nice (nīs) adj. nic·er, nic·est Pleasing and agreeable in nature: had a nice time. [Middle English, foolish, from Old French, from Latin nescius, ignorant, from nescīre, to be ignorant ; see nescience.]
run –verb - 97 definitions listed –noun - 55 definitions –adjective – 2 definitions —Verb phrases – 20 definitions —Idioms – 9
Pic of strong’s concordance
“Why?” “How?”
Read the passage carefully, and take notes, and do it again and again - it’s repetitious, like playing scales on the piano
Six times At least two translations
Write your results A one-sentence summary of the passage Summary of the political situation Summary of the cultural context Why was the passage written down? What type of literature is this? Does this support a theme of this book? How does this relate to neighboring passages?
3. Modern context A.Our culture B.Our beliefs
C. The Holy Spirit
Applying what we learn
There is always a need for more study
1.Historical context 2.Literary context 3.Personal context