Hull High School Overview 8 th Grade Open House November 4, 2009
Mission Statement (DRAFT) Hull High School is committed to excellence and the development of life-long learners within the global community. Through our academic and co-curricular programs, we foster integrity, responsibility, citizenship, creativity, and a positive attitude towards service.
Expectations for Student Learning (DRAFT) A Hull High School Student: (in no particular order) 1. understands and applies wellness skills 2. will demonstrate effective listening skills 3. will demonstrate an appreciation of world cultures 4. will be competent problem solvers 5. will read actively and critically 6. will write effectively for a variety of purposes 7. will present information and ideas fluently and comfortably before an audience 8. will use technology appropriately to acquire, integrate, evaluate, create, and impart information in a knowledge economy. 9. will develop the knowledge, understanding, and tolerance necessary for informed citizenship and social action. 10. Arts (music, theatre, fine art)—Need this one.
The Good News is… We are a small school MCAS Scores College Acceptances Athletic Program Theatre Arts Program Students Parents Teachers
… and the Bad News Is We are a small school SAT Scores Athletic Program Theatre Arts Program Co-Curricular Program Technology Education
Academics Levels: College Prep Honors AP Quincy College Pre-requisites 8 th grade grades DO matter
Academics (cont.) Credits: All students are required to carry a total of 42 credits per school year and acquire a certain number of credits to progress from class to class as follows: To be classified as a sophomore, a student must have earned 30 credits; To be classified as a junior, a student must have earned 60 credits; To be classified as a senior, a student must have earned 100 credits and have passed all required MCAS Tests (ELA, Math, Science).
Academics (cont.) Graduation Requirements: In order to receive a Hull High School diploma, students must successfully meet all course credit requirements and pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) tests with competency determinations as identified by the Massachusetts Department of Education. Students must earn a minimum of 140 credits to graduate. In addition, the following subjects must be completed with at least a passing mark: – English4 full year courses – Mathematics4 full year courses (including Algebra I and II, and Geometry) – Science4 full year courses (including Physical Science, Biology, and Chemistry) – Social Studies3 full year courses (World History II, and U.S. History I & II) –Physical Education 4 years of physical education
Academics (cont.) UMASS Acceptance Minimum Requirements: English - 4 courses Mathematics - 3 courses (Algebra I & II and Geometry or Trigonometry, or comparable coursework) Sciences - 3 courses (including 2 courses with laboratory work) Social Sciences - 2 courses (including 1 course in U.S. History) Foreign Languages - 2 courses (in a single language) Electives - 2 courses (from the above subjects or from the Arts & Humanities or Computer Sciences)
Typical Freshman Schedule English 9 Algebra I or Geometry Physical Science World History II Spanish I or French I Wellness 9 / Writing Workshop Elective
Typical Sophomore Schedule English 10 Algebra II or Geometry Biology Biology Lab / Wellness US History II Spanish II or French II Elective
Typical Junior Schedule English: –English 11 –AP English Language Math: –Algebra II –Math Topics –Trigonometry –Pre-Calculus Chemistry Social Studies: –US History II –AP US History Spanish II or French III Physical Education Elective
Typical Senior Schedule English: –English 12 –AP English Literature –AP English Language –QC Composition I and II –QC Literature I & II –Speech and Communication Math: –Calculus –Math Topics –QC Calculus I & II Science: –AP Environmental Science –Marine Science –QC Biology I & II –Environmental Science –Physics
Typical Senior Schedule (cont.) Social Studies: –AP US History –QC Political Science / Constitutional Law –Economics –Psychology / Sociology –Government French IV / AP or Spanish IV / AP Physical Education Elective
Electives Art: –Drawing / Painting I –Drawing / Painting II –Ceramics –Computer Imaging Music: –Guitar –Piano –Chorus Library / Media Studies QC Fitness I and II TV Production I & II
Faculty English – 5.0 Math – 4.0 Science – 5.2 Social Studies Foreign Language – 3.0 Art – 1.2 Music – 1.0 Physical Education – 2.8 Special Education: –4.0 teachers –2.0 paraprofessionals Guidance Counselors – 2.0 Adjustment Counselor -.6 School Psychologist -.4 Nurse – 1.0 Media Specialist – 1.0 Office Support – 2.0 Athletic Director / Community Outreach Coordinator – 1.0 Asst. Principal – 1.0 Principal – 1.0
Special Education If your child currently has an IEP, they will receive services when they arrive at HHS They will be re-evaluated every three years If your child does not have an IEP and the faculty is concerned that they may have a learning disability, they will go through the referral and testing process Most students with an IEP receive 1 period each day of academic support
Co-Curricular Program Athletics: Almost 2/3 of students at HHS participates on one or more athletic team Eligibility –2 Fs – practice no play* –3 Fs – practice no play** –4+Fs – no practice, no play Fees: –Sport One:$200 –Sport Two:$150 –Sport Three:$100 –Students participating in Football and Ice Hockey must pay an additional $75 fee. – The activity fee cap structure is: Individual Student-Athlete cap:$525 Immediate Family cap:$975
Co-Curricular Program (cont.) Theatre Arts Student Council Class Officers PHI National Honor Society Yearbook Mock Trial Others?
NEASC New England Association of Schools and Colleges Self-Study Process Accreditation Visit –November 9-11, 2011
The Transition Starts Tonight Spring: –Visit to MMS –Visit to HHS Summer Open House Advisory Program
Things We Are Thinking About Technology Education Increased Graduation Requirements Internships / Community Service Requirement Peer Leader and Mentoring Programs Expanded AP Offerings Expanded Arts Offerings
Thank You For… coming tonight your questions your trust your past support of the Hull Public Schools