Are produced in the brain that give good feelings similar to morphine.
They reduce pain Slow breathing Reduce blood pressure Lower the level of motor activity
Sedating drugs that depress the Central Nervous System
Opiate produced from and more powerful than morphine.
Injected Smoked sniffed
A synthetic version of morphine. Trade name is OxyContin. Sold in tablets and used as a pain killer.
Depress the CNS Decrease motor activity Produce drowsiness Sedation hypnosis
What are they?
Minor tranquilizers or sedatives
2/3 Americans consume Alcohol. (p. 112)
Beer 5% alcohol Wine 6-14% alcohol Liquor 25-50% alcohol
The percentage of alcohol in a water solution (and thus the "proof")
Mind-altering chemical that, like heroin and tranquilizers, depresses the CNS.
Stimulate the CNS Enhance moods Increase alertness Relieve fatigue
Nicotine caffeine
Coca is a flowering blush or scrub that yields four ounces of leaves that are 1% cocaine. kilograms of coco leaves are required to make one kilo of paste 2 ½ kilos of coca paste converted into 1 kilo of cocaine base (66% pure). 1 kilo of cocoa base is synthesized into 1 kilo of cocaine hydrochloride 95% pure
Sugar, talcum powder. Street levels are 20-50% pure
Injected Snooted smoked
Cocaine cooked in a mixture of baking soda and water becomes hard when heat-dried.