State-Of-The-Art of One-Stop Shops in Galicia Author: Diego Nieto Galicia Supercomputing Centre
OSS Status In Galicia (I) An OSS implementation in Galicia is operational Bolkenstein directive is not fully implemented but it’s being managed by both Government (National and Regional) OSS in Galicia is called: PAIT.. translated “Single Contact Point for Business Assessment and Procedures”
OSS Status In Galicia (II) What is a PAIT? All the territorial premises of the IGAPE operates as Single Contact Points for Business Assessment and Procedures in which you could set up a business under the S.L.N.E. or S.R.L. legal forms in 48 hours. How the PAIT support entrepreneurs? The Galician Institute for Promotion (IGAPE) publishes a set of free tools for entrepreneurs in order to support business start up. Effectively reduction of time, red tape procedures and costs associated to business start up
OSS Status In Galicia (III)
PAIT Services What is a PAIT? All the territorial premises of the IGAPE operates as Single Contact Points for Business Assessment and Procedures in which you could set up a business under the S.L.N.E. or S.R.L. legal forms in 48 hours. How the PAIT support entrepreneurs? The Galician Institute for Promotion (IGAPE) publishes a set of free tools for entrepreneurs in order to support business start up. Effectively reduction of time, red tape procedures and costs associated to business start up
Electronic Processing PAITs do all the electronic administrative processing job thanks to the e-System developed by the DGPYME of the Spanish Ministry of Economy. PAITs implement the DUE (Unique Electronic Document) protocol, that provides the interoperability between the different systems of the public organisations involved in a business start up (document interchange) In order to register and create an enterprise the only thing you have to do is going to any of the IGAPE premises distributed all over the Galician region.
Advantages Speed up the administrative procedures and red tape, dramatically reducing time and associated costs of a business start up. Simplification of the administrative procedures of business registering and start up, avoiding unnecessary trips: The entrepreneur only has to go to the PAIT and Notary. No more paper forms!
The process
Legal Forms (I) S.R.L. (Limited Liability Company) Each partner holds the responsibility for his part of the total investment (minimum €). The company can have from one to fifty partners. The company is managed by all partners or by an administrator. This is the typical profile for a SME in Spain
Legal Forms (II) S.L.N.E. (Private Limited New Company) SLNE is a special form of SLR, mainly designed for the smallest entrepreneurial projects, in order to facilitate and speed up the register and star up processes. The company can have from one to five partners with a capital from 3.012€ to € There is no need for a board of directors and the administrator is one of the partners. Simplified accounting programme and models Tax refunds, credits and deferments
Documentation Spanish ID and Health Service card of the partners (fotocopies and originals) Spanish ID and Health Service card of the employees (photocopies and originals) Personal data of the partners (address, marrying regime…etc) Address of the company and data of the activity developed Percentages of the company capital invested by each partner and subscription to the Spanish Special Regime for Self- employed Workers Tax Bank account number Document of payments done to the Commerce and Merchants Register (RMC)
Thank you very much All the material used in this presentation comes from official documentation from IGAPE, Regional Ministry of Economy and Spanish Ministry of Economy