Heavy Ion Tumor Therapy Michael Scholz GSI Darmstadt
Introduction Advantage of ion beams for therapy: Physical aspects: Inverted depth dose profile Defined penetration depth Reduced lateral scattering Biological aspects: Increased effectiveness Reduced oxygen effect Increased effectiveness depends on many parameters like e.g. dose, Z, LET, or depth, which have to be taken into account for treatment planning
Depth Dose Profile Penetration Depth [cm] Relative Dose
Die höhere Wirkung schwerer Ionen Die RBE hängt ab von: Dosis Strahlenergie Ionensorte Reparaturvermögen der Zelle
Depth Dose Profile
Survival: Dependence of RBE on Cell Type
Biological Verification of Treatment Plans “Head Phantom”
Biological Verification of Treatment Plans II
Local Effect Model
Comparison of LEM with Exp. Data
Heavy ion induced foci CDKN1A/p21: green DNA: red Cell Nucleus p21 response CDKN1A/p21: green DNA: red Pb-ions, 3.1 MeV/u, 3x106/cm2 Tracks in CR39 Ca-ions, 10.1 MeV/u, 2x106/cm2
Visualization of tracks sample holder sample holder
Heavy Ion Therapy Carbon: advantage of RBE 3 Blocks / 4 weeks per year 10…15 Patients / Block 140 Patients total since Dec. 1997 2/3 carbon alone 1/3 photons + carbon boost Tumors: head and neck, few pelvic chordoma, chondrosarcoma, ACC, meningeoma
Therapy Online Monitor
Treatment Room
Heavy Ion Therapy: Technical Aspects Horizontal fixed beam Active magnetic scanning + energy variation 250 energies, 7 focus steps, 15 intensity steps 2-4 fields per patient and treatment day Typical treatment time: 45 min Typical irradiation time/field: 5…10min Verification of distal field edge by PET using 11C
Current Activities Moving targets Installation of patient chair PET with protons (FZ Rossendorf, W. Enghardt et al.) Preparation of the dedicated clinical facility at Heidelberg
Schedule for Heidelberg Facility 2002 Call for tender Refine specifications Prepare Component manufacturing Building construction documentation 2003 Component manufacturing Construction work 2004 Component manufacturing Component acceptance trials Begin 2005 Systemtests Mid 2005 Commissioning Mid 2006 Pre-clinical operations End 2006 Clinical operation
The Biophysics Group