Chemicals in Smoking Tobacco By Seth Schneider
Nicotine Nicotine will go into the brain It will go into acetylcholine receptors and stick to them Acetylcholine transmits things throughout the brain When nicotine sticks to it, it can’t transmit anything The brain makes more acetylcholine There will eventually be too much and that is why most smokers are anxious, jittery, and nervous. When they smoke again, the nicotine sticks to the extra acetylcholine and that’s why smokers think smoking is relaxing.
Nicotine cont. Is a poisonous, colorless, and very addictive alkaloid. It turns brown when exposed to air Soluble in water, ether, alcohol, and oil Will kill you if you even drop just 2-3 drops on your tongue.
Chemicals in Smoking Tobacco and Secondhand Smoke Nicotine Formaldehyde Arsenic Cyanide Radioactive Compounds Benzene Carbone Monoxide
Diseases from Smoking Lung Cancer Heart Disease Cardiovascular Disease Pulmonary Disease Birth defect Retarded Fetal Growth SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) Strokes Lung Disease Much More…
Snuff Smokeless tobacco Very addictive Made from heavily-bodied grades of dark, fire- cured tobacco leaves Can be chewed or sniffed
Cigarettes Most common tobacco used Very addictive Smoked Contains about 15-20mg of nicotine When smoking, only about 1mg gets into your bloodstream
Cigarette Cigarettes are the most used tobacco product in the world!
Tobacco Tobacco is a plant that is very popular to grow in Eastern North Carolina. When tobacco is shredded up and touches air, it looks like this. Even if it’s not shredded up, it will still be brown when it touches air.
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