Nutrition and Health
6 Essential Nutrients 1.Proteins 2.Fats (Saturated & Unsaturated) 3.Carbs (Simple & Complex) 4.Vitamins 5.Minerals 6.Water
Vitamins Vitamin A: Vision, Beta-Carotine Vitamin C: Immunity Vitamin E: Digestion & Joints, Muscles
Minerals Calcium: Gives you strong bones: Not absorbed without Vitamin D3 which is produced by your body. Milk is a source of calcium but in an inorganic form due to pasteurization.
Water 70% of our bodies are water. Hydration is important in life.
2 non-essential nutrients Fiber Cholesterol
Fiber Fiber: Psyllium is a good source of fiber. Psyllium is a plant. High grain cereals are also a good source of fiber because of the bran.
Obesity 30% of Americans are obese and almost 60% are overweight. Portion control is a key for weight control. People should consume 2-4 fruits and 3-5 vegetables per day.
Duke University Duke University has the best weight management control unit in the country and one of the best in the world.
Fruits & Vegetables Best Fruits: – Apples (especially the skin) – Oranges (for Vitamin C) Best Vegetables: Broccoli Spinach Lima Beans
Weight Loss There are 3,500 calories in a pound Burn more calories than you consume Lose 2/3 of your body weight per 10 minute mile jogged.
Drugs & Alcohol Tolerance: the need to do more and create the same effect Withdrawal: the physiological and psychological effects from stopping a drug Addiction: the psychological connection to a drug Dependence: the physiological connection to a drug Hardest to kick: heroin, meth, nicotine
Dram Shop Law Dram Shop: A bar or restaurant is legally responsible for a person who comes in already drunk and causes damage when they leave. Dram Shop Extension: An individual who throws a party with alcohol is responsible for the damage done if someone leaves the party and drives home. One Year Law: If you are at a party with drugs or alcohol as a minor, your license can be suspended for one year, just for being there.
Drinking & Driving.08 – Legally drunk in every state in the U.S. (DUI).05-Legally impaired in every state in the U.S. (DWI).01-Legal Minor: Legally drunk if under the age of 21
Texting and Driving Texting and driving is like being a.08 on the road. Your brain processes 2 types of tasks: Associative and Cognitive o Associative: Able to do 2 or more actions at one time o Cognitive: Can only complete one action at a time (Texting & Driving is not an associative task)
Drugs Stimulants Depressants Hallucinogens Directly affect the Central Nervous System
Stimulants Any drug that increases respiration and heart rate. Caffeine Ritalin Cocaine Methamphetamine Steroids 5 Hour Energy & Red Bull
Caffeine Caffeine is the most used drug in America and is primarily found in coffee and soda. An apple has fructose and complex carbs. Some suggest that these can wake a person up better than coffee in the morning.
Ritalin Ritalin is primarily used for ADHD and is effective because it has a reverse effect. Other ADHD drugs are currently on the market and have the same effect: Adderol, Stratera, Vivance
Cocaine Cocaine is the most lethal drug there is because it can kill the first time it is used. It is similar to SSRI (selective serotonin uptake inhibitor) medications in extreme dosage. SSRIs = Prozac, Zoloft
Methamphetamine Methamphetamine has a strong stimulant effect and can create hallucinogenic effects but is not considered an hallucinogen.
Steroids Steroids give people increased strength. Steroids decrease the need for recovery time. Steroids cause increased aggression and anger.
Red Bull & 5 Hour Energy Withdrawal from these can cause heart palpitations and “the shakes.” Addiction & dependence can occur from these substances. Red Bull & vodka is sometimes combined.
PCP (Phencyclidine) Was initially developed as an elephant and horse tranquilizer Creates extreme human strength and complete resistance to pain
Depressants Alcohol Tobacco (Nicotine within is a stimulant) Codeine Barbiturates
Alcohol Responsible for 50% of all car accidents #1 cause of all accidents, #2 among teens (for teens: Speeding is #1, Texting is #3) Responsible for more than 50% of all domestic abuse situations
Codeine & Barbiturates Found in most cough syrups and pain killers. Vicodin is a barbiturate with strong addictive and dependent tendencies. Robitussin used to be a substance that students would drink in large quantities to get a quick high.
Marijuana Exaggerates the senses Natural pain killer for cancer, migraines, and other pain-related issues (can be controversial)
Negative Effects of Marijuana 1.Decreases sperm count 2.Negatively impacts short-term memory 3.Decreases motivation 4.Arrests emotional development
Alcoholism Definition - The most widely accepted definition of alcoholism is when drinking negatively impacts three main areas of a person’s life: Work or school Friends and family relationships Emotional well-being Physical health
The Alcoholic Family Enabling (Codependency): When the individual who is usually the spouse of an alcoholic puts their own emotions aside and allows themselves to be taken advantage of to the extreme. These individuals will lie and make excuses for the addict/alcoholic.
Homeostasis Biologically a positive concept Emotionally a negative concept Maintaining homeostasis means keeping the negative patterns the same Breaking homeostasis means creating a change Alcoholic/drug addicted families maintain homeostasis by nature.
4 Roles Hero: Usually the oldest child, has to be the best at everything they do. Mascot: Usually the youngest child and is the favorite of the alcoholic. Makes jokes and relieves the tension in the family. Is charming. Lost Child: Usually the middle child of the family. Stays away from the situation. Scapegoat: Can be any age. Gets blamed for acting out and misbehaving. Is most likely to become an alcoholic when they get older.
Treatment Most common treatment for any drug or alcohol problem is the 12 step approach: AA-Alcoholics Anonymous Alanon-For spouses and family members of the alcoholic/addict Alateen-For teenagers of the alcoholic Alatot-For children of the alcoholic
Nicotine & Tobacco Nicotine is a highly addictive & dependent substance Nicotine is a stimulant within tobacco which is a depressant There are over 4,000 chemicals in tobacco Long term effect of tobacco is emphysema
Test 2 Review 14 Questions: Nutrition & Health 21 Questions: Drugs & Alcohol 5 Questions: Smoking Video & Notes 10 Questions: True-False from Entire Unit
Essay Alcoholism & The Family Include: Alcoholism Definition Homeostasis Enabling Roles of Children in Alcoholic Family