Implementation Workshop
Introductions Name Organization you represent - mission One great thing about your organization What is your personal experience/knowledge of the Standards for Excellence® program
Welcome to Standards for Excellence - Implementation Workshop Agenda: Introductions Panel of Organizations that have earned the Seal Standards for Excellence Refresher Introduce Implementation Assessment Matrix Standards Code Implementation (by Guiding Principle) Lunch with time for individual consultations Launching New Action Plan Earning the Seal
Panel Discussion and Q and A ENTER NAMES OF PANELISTS
Our Standards Efforts Thus Far Exercise Standards for Excellence progress with implementation in your organization Areas of greatest challenge with the Standards for Excellence thus far How do you hope this workshop will help your organization?
Standards for Excellence Refresher A tangible model for nonprofit organizations to carry out capacity building efforts A framework with a clear statement of the organization’s commitment to best practices A self-regulatory tool to ensure public confidence and public support A demonstration of the organization's commitment to public service
Standards for Excellence Code 8 Guiding Principles and 55 Standards Mission and Program Governing Body Conflict of Interest Financial and Legal Human Resources Openness Fundraising Public Affairs and Public Policy Standards for Excellence: An Ethics and Accountability Code For the Nonprofit Sector
Sharing and Reflections on Our Standards Efforts Thus Far
Creating An Implementation/Action Plan Review the individual standards in each of the code’s eight sections Careful assessment of the Standards currently implementing; what is needed to implement the remaining Standards Discuss and Design Implementation Strategies in a workable, achievable action plan
Goal: Implementation
Mission and Program Defined Mission Statement Evaluation Program Service Standards
Reflection, Action Planning
Goal: Implementation
Human Resources Personnel Policies Volunteer Policies Employee Evaluation Employee Orientation
Reflection, Action Planning
Lunch Sign up for 15 minute consultations with Standards for Excellence Institute staff to assist with particularly difficult topics related to implementing the Standards for Excellence in your organizations
Goal: Implementation
Financial and Legal Budgets Audits Financial Reports Financial Impropriety Written Financial Policies Legal Compliance
Reflection, Action Planning
Goal: Implementation
Governing Body Roles and Responsibilities Planning Policies for the organization Budget approval, monitoring, and review of % Hire, supervise, evaluate Exec Director Salary structure review
Governing Body Board Composition Committed Avoiding undue influence Number of members Term limits Diversity Volunteers
Governing Body Board Conduct Operations Written expectations Meeting at least 4/year Attendance and participation Minutes
Goal: Implementation
Conflict of Interest Disclose Everything Define Interested Parties How Decisions Are Made? Conflict of Interest Policy Conflict of Interest Statement Disclosure Forms
Reflection, Action Planning
Goal: Implementation
Openness Annual Reports Mission Program Data Financial Data Board Key Staff Public Access Determination Letter
Goal: Implementation
Fundraising Fundraising Activities Donor Relations/Privacy Acceptance of Gifts Fundraising Personnel
Reflection, Action Planning
Goal: Implementation
Public Affairs and Public Policy Public Policy Advocacy Public Education Promoting Public Participation
Reflection, Action Planning
Educational materials specifically focused on the Standards for Excellence code Direct technical assistance Standards for Excellence specific seminars Other topical training seminars Providing the Help You Need
Essentials of Project Management Single, dedicated, leader (project manager) Management support who delegates authority Dedicated team Clearly defined goals Plan that specifies action required Schedule Budget, resource allocation System to accommodate changes
Launching Your Plan Who should be involved in the implementation process? What is a realistic time frame for getting the work done? How can you keep everyone focused on the deadlines?
The Standards for Excellence Earning the Seal of Excellence
Take a Self-Assessment Assemble Your Team Develop & Follow Work plan Access TA, Training, Resources Take Stock of Progress Apply for Certification What’s already in place? Who should be involved? What requires board approval? Should include deadlines What models are available?
Voluntary Certification Program Refresher Application process – a learning process in itself Staff assisted Peer Review Process Certification good for three years, then recertification every five years Approved organizations licensed to display the Standards for Excellence seal
Introducing: Tiered recognition Easier to navigate Go at your own pace Start at level one or three Each tier builds on the previous!
Tier One: Essentials Adherence to Basic Legal, Regulatory, and Governance Practices Benefits Lower initial cost Responsive to limited time and resources Formally recognizes achievement and your organization’s progress towards full Standards for Excellence certification. Informal recommendations from program staff for future improvement and application to next tier.
Tier One: Essentials Application process Submission of the Tier One application package and checklist and application fee. Completion of a free online self-assessment and orientation is also required. Program staff will complete the formal review of the application. Organizations can remain at this tier for a term of three years
Tier Two: Enhanced Enhancing the Foundations of Nonprofit Management and Governance Benefits Discounts for quickly moving through the tiers. Ability to state completion of the Standards for Excellence Enhanced Tier. Additional informal recommendations from program staff for future improvement and application to next tier.
Tier Two: Enhanced Application Process Prior completion of Tier One. Submission of the Tier Two application package and checklist and application fee. Completion of the free online self-assessment. Program staff will complete the formal review process, with final approval by the Ethics Standards Committee. Organizations can remain at this tier for a term of 3 years
Tier Three: Certified Standards for Excellence Seal Holder All 55 Standards are included in the third tier Benefits Earn and display the Seal of Excellence State that their organization is “Standards for Excellence Seal”, or “Approved Under Maryland Nonprofits’ Standards for Excellence” or “is a Standards for Excellence® Accredited Organization.”
Tier Three: Certified Application Process Can apply directly for Tier Three, or previously complete both Tiers One and Two. Submission of the application package and checklist and application fee. Review Process Program staff will first review the application. Anonymous peer reviews will evaluate the application second. Lastly, the Ethics Standards Committee must approve the staff and peer reviewers’ recommendation for certification. The Standards for Excellence certification will be awarded for three years.
How do organizations earn the Seal? Submit application to Institute Staff— Determines if the application is complete? Undergo 2 nd review by Peer Reviewers —— Determines if the Standards have been met? Undergo 3rd review by Ethics Standards Committee —— Determines if organization should be approved? Phase IPhase IIPhase III
Easing the application review process Submit a complete application. Provide concise, clear explanations. Less is sometimes more. Budget time to respond to staff and peer reviewer questions. Adhere to deadlines. Contact staff for guidance, prior to submitting your response. Policies should be board-approved. Use our “Hints & Tips for Completing the Certification”
What are the benefits of earning the Seal? “Displaying the Standards for Excellence® seal provides reassurance to donors that they are contributing to an agency whose services are of high quality and whose administrative and financial practices are sound.” -John F. Plaskon, Executive Director Crossroads Community, Inc.
What are the benefits of earning the Seal? “To review every level of PLASE’s program and operation helped us to revisit, fine-tune and improve -- like a spring housekeeping or renewal.” --Mary C. Slicher, Executive Director, Project PLASE, Inc.
What are the benefits of earning the Seal? “An important outcome of this process has been better trained staff and volunteers that have a stronger understanding of our mission, philosophy and operating systems. We believe we are a stronger organization, as a result.” --John Sciavone, Executive Director St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
What are the benefits of earning the Seal? “Since the Resource Center received the Standards for Excellence three years ago, we have received funding from foundations that never looked at us before.” -Prince George’s Child Resource Center
Your Next Steps How will You Proceed in your own organization?
Questions and Answers
Wrap Up/Evaluation