Iouri Tchernoousko, International PM, Adobe Core Services Darin Goble, Dir. Client Services, Moravia Worldwide Adobe Localization Prerelease Programs
Objectives for today – Describe the history of prerelease programs at Adobe and review the benefits of localization prereleases – Demo enabling technology – Experience with Photoshop CS5 – Discuss the role of 3-way partnerships (enterprise + users + agencies) – Preparing for the future 3
History Prerelease for the US Japanese prerelease program Localization prereleases (Dreamweaver, some ad hoc UI feedback through other products' main prereleases, etc.) = little or no direct customer feedback outside the US
Benefits Understanding real concerns and requests from the field Making UI/translation concerns inseparable from usability experience Creating an interface between the developer/localization team, agency and end-users Discovering or confirming long-standing UI/translation issues Validating translation ideas (especially for new features), giving translators an extra source of reference Keeping agencies' quality in check Extra measure to discover defects early and reduce cost Extra testing Possible substitute for UI translation review Help product teams discover functional defects and defects in English UI Increased engagement with end-users Avoiding criticism from GEOs after the release Redefining the PM’s role and relationship with service agencies…
Technology Customized third party deployment API to corporate bug base and Akamai Support at Adobe: capabilities of the prerelease team Program setup and organization User/tester selection and invitation Moderating and facilitating discussions Implementing and demonstrating results
Prerelease portal demo
Photoshop CS5 (1/2) Why did we do it? Languages used Tester selection criteria and methods Types of forums opened Ground rules discussion language which issues to pay attention to Metrics: number of bugs reported number of real bugs approx. number of testing hrs gained measuring testers' satisfaction levels
Photoshop CS5 (2/2) What were the results? Approximately 40 total bugs reported 25 converted to real bugs 5 severe long-standing UI issues discovered or confirmed in Italian and French Final reports prepared by moderators (language leads) per language Nearly 100 topics opened across 4 languages; approx. 450 posts made Multiple issues forwarded to the core testing team App. number of testing hrs. gained: >200 (depending on the calculation basis) A survey measuring testers' satisfaction levels was conducted at the closing of the project
Role of the LSP (1/2) General forum moderation Provide language support Become an extension of the PS Team Ensuring appropriate engagement Fostering open communications Escalate when appropriate Identifying and reporting bugs Generate interest and community engagement Final reporting
Role of the LSP (2/2) Creating and managing clear Roles / Responsibilities Ensure transparency is established Multiple resources on the LSP side provide value Project Manager Localization Lead Lead Linguist
Benefits to the LSP Removes “black box” aspects of conventional localization models Enhances product knowledge and expertise Creates a stronger partnership with clients Additional opportunity to provide value Inclusion earlier in the localization process
Other CS5 Results Dreamweaver After Effects Adobe Ideas
Continued Program Development… Likely challenges: – Forum organization – Moderating the forums – Weeding out bad feedback – Selecting the right frequency for updating localized builds – Discussion language and the UI language of the prerelease program – Keeping prerelease participants interested – Following up on core issues reported – Building a community around your product – Reacting to submitted comments – Need for a central request-collection mechanism – Rethinking the role of the PM
Tester selection Where do they come from: Prerelease participation form Adobe user groups Interest groups on social media portals: Facebook LinkedIn Regional social media sites (Vkontakte, Orkut, etc.) Adobe’s regional offices LSP Advertizing a prerelease program: AUGs Adobe Core Services’ Globalization blog Cross-advertising on main product prerelease Social media portals / Twitter Cross-market with other Adobe products (i.e, DI family, Installer, etc.)
Prerelease interest form
CS and non-CS products, and beyond… Significant product commitments: – Acrobat – Photoshop – Lightroom – InDesign – Illustrator – FrameMaker – Dreamweaver
Outreach besides localization prerelease… Adobe user groups Adobe TV Globalization blog
Q & A