Panic! I don’t speak French ! Michael Tryon Executive Director How to Develop a Support System for French Immersion Parents
WE ARE A NATIONAL NETWORK OF VOLUNTEERS WHICH VALUES FRENCH as an integral part of Canada and which is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French-second-language learning opportunities for young Canadians.
Immersion parents often feel unable to support their children’s education because their own French skills are inadequate or non-existent. This can keep parents from enrolling their children in immersion, or lead to unnecessary withdrawals from the program. Situation
Goals of Session 1.Address concerns 2.Discuss how a support system can be developed for your parents.
Parent’s Comments If my child experiences any sort of learning difficulty or even just problems understanding something, I won’t be able to provide any help. I won’t have any idea how well my child is doing in school. I’ll keep my child in French immersion only as long as s/he is happy and doing well. I won’t be able to share the joys of learning with my child. Once my child reaches junior high, he will need to take the important subjects (e.g. math, science) in English to prepare him for university. Knowing a second language is good, but in the process am I subjecting my child to too great a challenge? to too much stress?
What do Parents Need? 1.Information about immersion What’s known about the benefits of early, intensive language learning: on cognition, on attitudes, and on future opportunities. What’s known about effects on other subjects (including English). What’s known about student suitability for the program. ?????
How immersion works (gentle approach, etc.). The importance of “intensity” for second language development and why intensity makes things easier for the students, not harder. Transfer of knowledge/skills (including English language skills). 2. Understandings about immersion: What do Parents Need? (Continued)
How reading is taught today, and when children learn to read. Newer approaches: math problem-solving, cooperative learning, peer tutors, etc. Multiple intelligences. How to communicate effectively with the school. Appropriate ways to be a homework “coach”. 3. The same as parents in the English stream: What do Parents Need? (Continued)
Challenges New parents in FI every year – scary for them! Most Alberta parents know little or no French. Different parents’/teachers’ backgrounds = Communication complications! Parents think they know more about education than they really do! Prior experiences affect perceptions – parents need help understanding FI. Parents need to be empowered & given tools & strategies. Informing parents is needed from K-12! Every year = new parents at sr. high level.
MAKE NOTE…. Well informed, less anxious parents will make your efforts as teachers more successful!
Educators can Help Parents by: Focus on what is being learned & not the language it is in! Be clear about what you mean by “reading with” a child. Help parents focus on non-language- specific aspects of reading. Parents should try to keep reading at home fun (not formal lessons) and relevant. Tell parents in advance of a unit what children will be studying. Give parents advice on purchasing good French and English/French dictionaries.
Educators can Help Parents by: Parents should try to keep reading at home fun (not formal lessons) and relevant. Tell parents in advance of a unit what children will be studying. Give parents advice on purchasing good French and English/French dictionaries. Give parents advice on helping their child write in French. For math, help parents understand how to use manipulatives to work with basic numerical operations. Tell parents the strategies the children should be using for problem solving.
Encourage Parents to: focus on paying attention; keeping track of things; being organized; learning styles; study skills; research skills; providing adequate resource references; getting enough sleep; and a good diet. All contribute immensely to success at school!
Help parents find ways for their children to experience French beyond the curriculum and the classroom -- both as additional exposure and practice and to motivate them! Finally….
Additional Suggestions Encourage your school and/or parents’ council to host key parent information nights for all parents on a regular basis, every year (not just when curricula change). Partner with your local CPF chapter and even other immersion schools in your community to provide immersion parent information activities on a routine basis. Include information on French immersion in the parents’ part of your school library. Regularly include brief articles on second language learning in your school newsletter (PSAs, student stories, helpful tips for parents, etc.).
Contact us Canadian Parents for French (Alberta) Visit our website Canadian Parents for French (Ontario) Visit our website Canadian Parents for French
CPF Alberta Resources 1.Yes, You Can Help! ( Alberta Education). 2.Newsletters for members; pamphlets and posters available through your local chapter; information meetings and conferences. 3.“For parents” section at parents/. 4.CPF’s award-winning Peer Tutoring Literacy Program (at “For educators” go to “Student retention” and scroll down to “Grade 2/3”). 5.Ideas and resources for program promotion and student retention under “For educators” at
CPF Alberta Resources (Continued) 6.For activities and resources for students, from ordering books to exchanges, look under “For students” at students/. students/ 7.For a series of suggestions for activities to encourage students to continue immersion into junior high, at “For educators” go to “Student retention” and scroll down to “Grade 5/6” at educators/student-retention/. educators/student-retention/ 8.French for Immersion Parents program - really, it’s a “how to be an immersion parent” course - encourage parents to take the course if/when the chapter offers it.