Teaching Substance Use & Abuse What do you need to know? What do your students need to know?
Alcohol The equal opportunity destroyer
Who Drinks? 10 people 10 drinks How are they divided up?
Who Drinks?
Teenagers 4.6 million teenagers have a drinking problem. 4% of high school seniors drink alcohol every day.
Teenagers Lower body weight – Higher blood alcohol concentration level than adults – Greater effects for longer periods of time
Alcohol & other drugs 20-35% Suicides 62%Assaults 52% Rapes 38% Child abuse 50% Traffic fatalities 49% Murders 68% Manslaughter Charges 69% Drownings Health Concerns Associated with Alcohol Use Up to 50% Spousal abuse
Another Problem -
Effects on Children
In Missouri 8,600 kids under 18 – Daily new smokers MO has 11 th highest smoking rate – 39 th lowest life expectancy $400 million spent on tobacco ads
Cheaper Alternatives ‘Pipe’ tobacco to roll own cigarettes Small cigars formulated to look like cigarettes – Lower taxes
New Products
Video or%20Candy%20Test Packaging
Don’t know yet where they will be placed in the store Easily transported Easier to start
Alternative Cigarettes Exotic Made with ‘natural’, ‘healthier’ ingredients Flavored Contain less tobacco – Non-porous leaves nicotine cannot be weakened by air nicotine cannot be weakened by air – Receive 2–7 times the nicotine
Harder to keep lit Harder to keep lit Breathe deeper, more often Breathe deeper, more often Toxins go deeper into lungs Toxins go deeper into lungs More than 5 X amount of tar More than 5 X amount of tar – 2X risk of lung cancer – 5X risk of heart disease – More at risk for cancer
Herbal Blends 1 hour of Hooka is like Smoking 100 cigarettes!
Problems of Quitting Withdrawal Symptoms Parents become agitated Children think they aren’t loved
Inhalants Dangers – Brain – Lung Common among children
Teaching Inhalants Not a ‘drug’ Safety issues – Labels – “Use in well-ventilated area” – Reasons for labels – Discuss types of products
Caffeine: A Daily Drug ~80-90% of the world's population consumes daily 76% of children consume daily
Breath Mints & Spray Candy Bars Inhaler Energy Strips
Add to coffee Time-release capsules Cereals Beef Jerky
Patches & Gel to apply to the body Caffeinated Beer Mixing Energy Drinks with Alcohol
Caffeinated lip balm & soap
Caffeinated sunflower seeds & potato chips
Effect on Children Smaller bodies - Greater effect During school Late night (ball games, etc.)
Over-the- Counter & Prescription Drugs
Dextromethorphan Semisynthetic narcotic – Related to opium OTC cough suppressants – Robitussin, Vicks Formula 44, Drixoral, Delsym, Pertussin, etc. DM,” “Tuss,” or “Maximum Strength “ DM,” “Tuss,” or “Maximum Strength”
DXM Legal Less publicized than illegal drugs Easily obtained – Not intimidating like heroin – OTC = Safe?
Other Dangers Toxic side effects from other ingredients Toxic side effects from other ingredients – Liver damage from acetaminophen
Prescription Drugs Types of drugs Types of drugs – Pain Killers – Antidepressants – ADHD stimulants Steal drugs & prescriptions Steal drugs & prescriptions Buy from others Buy from others Take from parents Take from parents – ‘Pharm Parties’
Marijuana Stronger now than in the ‘60’s
K-2 Synthetic Marijuana Sold as incense or potpourri – Herbs, spices – Synthetic THC
Playing Russian Roulette Never tested on humans Affects the central nervous system – Hallucinations, seizures – Fast heart beat, dangerously elevated blood pressure, pale skin and vomiting
Bath Salts Names – Ivory Wave, Bliss, White Lightning and Hurricane Charlie Chemicals cause – hallucinations, paranoia, rapid heart rate and suicidal thoughts
Bath Salts Reacts in brain like combination of Meth & Cocaine Creates aggressive tendencies like PCP
Meth addicts Don’t eat or sleep – Sometimes up to a month No energy for normal tissue repair – Body starts to rot Gums break down, teeth fall out Gums break down, teeth fall out Major organs disintegrate Major organs disintegrate Induce strokes, psychosis, schizophrenia Induce strokes, psychosis, schizophrenia
Hiding Drugs
Scope of Classroom Drug Education
Scare tactics don’t work Teach drugs are not the answer to problems Don’t play down child’s problems - may make drugs more appealing Teach alternatives Teach alternatives
Milk activity
Activities Things to create