JAN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy. 1 Best Practices for Engaging in the Interactive Process Lou Orslene, JAN Co-Director, MSW, MPIA, CPDM
Tips about Accommodation Required, absent undue hardship, to provide a reasonable accommodation to an otherwise qualified individual who meets the definition of disability Can choose among effective accommodation options Do not have to provide accommodations unless needed because of a disability Do not have to provide accommodations that pose an undue hardship Do not have to provide personal use items needed in accomplishing daily activities both on and off the job Do not have to make an accommodation for an individual who is not otherwise qualified for a position Do not have to remove essential functions, create new jobs, or lower production standards Americans with Disabilities Act 2
JAN’s Interactive Process 3
Step 1: Recognizing an Accommodation Request Starting the Interactive Process JAN’s Interactive Process 4
What is a reasonable accommodation request? An applicant or employee asks for something that is needed because of a medical condition. JAN’s Interactive Process 5
Step 1: Nuts Missing a Request Unnecessary Delays Bolts Err on the Side of Caution Conduct Training Assign Responsibility Act Quickly Streamline Procedures 6 JAN’s Interactive Process
Step 2: Gathering Information Getting What You Need To Process the Request JAN’s Interactive Process 7
What is allowed? Medical documentation Employee has a disability Employee needs an accommodation Limitations, work-related problem, accommodation ideas JAN’s Interactive Process 8
What is prohibited: Irrelevant information Information that is known or obvious JAN’s Interactive Process 9
Step 2: Nuts Getting What You Need Not Asking for Too Much Bolts What, Why, How Do You Already Have It? Why Do You Need It? 10 JAN’s Interactive Process
Step 3: Exploring Accommodation Options Figuring Out What Accommodations Might Work JAN’s Interactive Process 11
What should you do? Brainstorm Think outside the box Talk with the employee Use available resources JAN’s Interactive Process 12
What should you not do? Say “this is not how we do it” Rigidly stick to policies Not listen to anyone else JAN’s Interactive Process 13
Step 3: Nuts Saying “NO” Too Quickly No Ideas Bolts Forget Laws Forget Policies Focus on What Could Work Ask the Employee Ask the Doctor Ask JAN 14 JAN’s Interactive Process
Step 4: Choosing an Accommodation Exercising Your Prerogative JAN’s Interactive Process 15
Consider: Employee’s preference Business needs JAN’s Interactive Process 16
Do not consider: Co-worker morale Customer preference Power struggles JAN’s Interactive Process 17
Step 4: Nuts Avoiding Power Struggles Avoiding Co-worker Problems Not Knowing If Accommodation Will Work Bolts Have a Neutral Person Be a Manager Do General Awareness Training Let Employee Discuss Disability Try It! 18 JAN’s Interactive Process
Step 5: Implementing the Accommodation Taking Steps Necessary to Make Accommodation Work JAN’s Interactive Process 19
Implementation may involve: Purchasing and installing equipment Ordering a service Training Notifying those who need to know JAN’s Interactive Process 20
Informing others does not involve: Telling co-workers JAN’s Interactive Process 21
Step 5: Nuts Making Sure It Works Communicating as Needed Bolts Test It! Use Good Management Techniques 22 JAN’s Interactive Process
Step 6: Monitoring the Accommodation Making Sure the Accommodation Continues To Be Effective JAN’s Interactive Process 23
Do: Establish open lines of communication Check with the employee periodically Take responsibility for maintenance and updates JAN’s Interactive Process 24
Do not: Make employee jump through unnecessary hoops Ask for medical updates you do not need JAN’s Interactive Process 25
Step 6: Nuts Keeping Accommodations Working Effectively Communicating Bolts Communicate Effectively Assign Responsibility Announce, Publish, Repeat, Be Responsive 26 JAN’s Interactive Process
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