Practicum A Kindergarten + First Grade Due March 5, 2015 CLASSROOM DESIGN LAUREN CUDDEN
To create a psychologically and physically safe and healthy learning environment Classroom pets are a great way to promote a psychological security within the classroom Although my practicum class does not have a classroom pet, I think that land snails would make a good choice They will eat basically anything, can reproduce on their own, do not bite or sting, and can be released into the wild (as long as they are a native species) SECURITY & SHELTER
To create a highly social learning environment Seating arrangements in my practicum classroom consist of four rectangular tables Each table has six small sized chairs to accommodate such young (and tiny) students This allows the students to (quietly) talk amongst others at their table This photo shows the students’ seating arrangements in my practicum class SOCIAL CONTACT
To create a learning environment that is owned by both the teacher and all of the students as a whole community In my future classroom I hope to have a wall solely dedicated to student artwork, including their personal pieces that may not relate to any lessons This photo shows a section of the wall with sectioned areas for individual student’s artwork in my practicum class SYMBOLIC IDENTIFICATION
To create a learning environment that allows students to easily and effectively accomplish tasks Learning centers are a great way to promote task instrumentality within the classroom Each learning center consists of either a specific subject or parts of a subject This photo is of a reading based learning center from my practicum class TASK INSTRUMENTALITY
To create a learning environment that is not only pleasing to look at, but is pleasing to be in In my future classroom, I wish to have a space solely dedicated to leisurely reading By being able to relax and unwind a bit, struggling students may be less anxious to read This photo shows a very small couch that the students in my practicum classroom sit on during their free reading time and learning centers PLEASURE
To create a learning environment that promotes students’ growth and development I personally feel as though students learn better when lessons are hands on By using manipulatives, students can access knowledge through kinesthetic or tactile learning This is photo shows Mrs. Bradley’s collection of math and reading manipulatives GROWTH
Weinstein, C.S. Romano, M.E. Elementary Classroom Management: Lessons from Research and Practice. Sixth Edition. McGraw Hill: Image of child with snail from SOURCES