CHAPTERS 4-5 GROUP WORK In your group of 3, answer the given questions about Night in complete sentences and detail. Each group has a different set of questions. When it is time to discuss these chapters as a class, your group will be responsible for sharing answers to your set of questions.
Chapter 4 – GROUP A What camp is Elie and his father sent to? Describe camp (What is camp like? Conditions? Kommandos? Who else is there?) What assignment/Kommando do Elie and his father get placed in? Who is the guard at their new Kommando? Describe what he’s like. Describe Elie’s visit to the dentist. (Why did he go? How was it? What happened?) Describe what happens between Elie and Idek during their first run- on? Who helped Elie after and how did she hide her identity? Describe Elie’s reaction to his father’s run-in with Idek.
CHAPTER 4 – GROUP B What does Franek the foreman want from Elie? What does Franek do to get it? Why does Elie get punished the second time by Idek? What was the punishment? What “revenge” are the prisoners excited about at the concentration camp? Describe what happens to young man who tries to steal soup during the raid. How is he viewed by the others? What was his punishment? What do many people call out/repeat before they are hanged? Describe what happens to the young pipel and how it affects everyone. Why does Elie find the soup “excellent” after one execution, but tasting of “corpses” after another? Explain.
CHAPTER 5 – GROUP C What is Rosh Hashanah and what do the men in camp do to honor it? Why do you suppose even “Kapos, functionaries of death,” come to the Rosh Hashanah service? Is Elie a minority or majority when he inwardly “rebels” at service? Find a line from the book that explains how Elie feels. Why does he refer to the place where the Jews meet to pray a “mirage”? What is Yom Kippur and why doesn’t Elie fast? Elie is transferred to work away from his father. What new commando is he in? What pieces of advice does Elie get about avoiding the next selection?
CHAPTER 5 – GROUP D Why do Yossi and Tibbi, two of Elie’s friends, laugh at Elie during the selection process? What sort of presents and “inheritance” gifts does Elie’s father give to him and why? Describe what happens to Akiba Drumer and what Elie believes about Akiba’s situation. Why tell his story? How does Elie end up in the hospital? What types of advice to do the other prisoners give Elie? Why is the camp being evacuated? Why do the prisoners hope the Russians arrive first? What does the head of the block order the prisoners to clean the floors and how do you think the prisoners felt about this task? Elie has two options during evacuation – what does he choose? Knowing the outcome, do you believe it was a good or bad decision?
CHAPTER 4-5: ALL ALL: Lines using either animal or death imagery. ALL: Lines using either silence or normalcy. ALL: Lines that highlight Elie’s faith?
FAITH How important is faith to surviving these concentration camps?
FAITH After the young pipel dies: Men watching – “Where is merciful God? Where is he? … For god’s sake, where is God?” Elie – “Where he is? This is where – hanging here from the gallows.” Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur (Major holidays) “My eyes have opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without God, without man. Without love or mercy. I was nothing but ashes now, but I felt myself to be stronger than this Almighty to whom my life had been bound for so long… I felt an observer, a stranger” (68) Elie does NOT fast, a typical ritual of suffering Akiba Drumer Akiba repeated “I’m weak… It’s over… I can’t go on… It’s over. God is no longer with us… How can I believe? How can anyone believe in God’s mercy?” (76) Elie – “Poor Akiba Drumer, if only he could have kept his faith in God, if only he could have considered this suffering a divine test, he would not have been swept away by the selection. But as soon as he felt the first chinks in his faith, he lost all incentive to fight and opened the door to death.” (77)
FAITH Who does Elie and other Jewish men believe will keep his promises? “Hitler has made it clear that he will annihilate all Jews before the clock strikes twelve… I have more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He alone has kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people” (81)