Roughly 15-16% of world’s population is atheist or non-religious (humanist, agnostic, etc.) And growing!In United States and Canada, that number is 3-9% - 2 nd largest religious group. And growing!
Today we live in times where we need to be able to answer this question ( 1 Pet. 3:15 ) Both education institutions and media barrage our youth with questioning God. Society is trying to ban Him everywhere. God is not allowed in many places today!
Our children are leaving home often without answers or resources to answer. We cannot sweep this under the carpet. Questions not answered well do not go away! Satan disguise himself in many characters, Mom, Dad, Friends, Attractions, Sin, etc. in order to put doubts in us about God.
This month: The subject of GodThis month: The subject of God Why I believe in God Why the God of the Bible Theistic evolution The character of God
When you see design, you know there is designer behind it. When you see a snowman, do you think it just appeared? Just like a car or a painting has a designer, so does the universe. Design Demands a Designer
Consider DNA Consider DNA – a complex system that stores code and distributes information much like a super-computer with processes, error correction, data retrieval and reassembly, and a filing system with multiple tiers of files and folders Design Demands a Designer
Do we have the same DNA? Do we have the same DNA? Design Demands a Designer
Do we have the same DNA? Do we have the same DNA? Design Demands a Designer
The placement of the earth – size of planet, distance from sun, right tilt, right rotation, etc. Man studies nature to learn how to CREATE things! Design Demands a Designer
Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Psalm 139:14, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Romans 1:20 Design Demands a Designer
Many factors demonstrate the universe had a beginning: The Universe is expanding Laws of Thermodynamics (energy) – Entropy… First Cause (Cosmological)
According to these examples, if matter is eternal it would be used up by now! Gen. 1:1 – God “created” (Bara) – to make something that has not been in existence before. First Cause (Cosmological)
You cannot create life from inorganic (non-living) matter! Evolution teaches life began spontaneously. They CANNOT prove it! Origin of Life
Suppose that one day man does create a simple life form – would it require intelligence to create? Gen. 2:7 – God formed man out of the dust and breathed life into him Origin of Life
Eternity requires something outside the natural realm. “The universe is not eternal and does require a maker.” Charlie Campbell Eccl. 3:11 The Concept of Eternity
Nature cannot explain morality, our sense of “ought” Nor can it explain the conscience, beauty, concern, communication, etc. The Concept of Morality
The Bible addresses morality Genesis 1:27, God created man in His image 1 Cor. 15:19, if in this life only we have hope… The Concept of Morality
Heb. 11:3, 6, “By faith we understand the worlds were framed by the word of God.” Psalm 19:1-3, “The heavens declare the glory of God…” The Bible declares God
Psalm 33:6-9, “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth…” The Bible declares God
Psalm 14:1, “The fool has said in his heart there is no God” The atheist’s faith – He denies there can be a God Believes matter is eternal Believe life came from inorganic matter Believes man invented God Lives with hope that there is nothing beyond this life The Bible declares God
Do we need faith to believe in God? Yes! But it is NOT a blind faith!