Nightlife drop in centre A safe place Free hot drinks Wait for your lift home Wait for emergency services Fairtrade Café, Crossley St…
Fairtrade Café, Crossley St Open Friday & Saturday 9pm – 3am
Street Angels Here to help keep u safe! Helping the police on the streets of Halifax Giving directions – someone to talk to -
are organised & run by: Churches Together in Halifax Halifax YMCA In partnership with Halifax Neighbourhood Policing Team Various nightclubs & pubs Pub Watch / Various Churches Calderdale Safer Communities Partnership Halifax Centre Ambassadors Working together to make Halifax safer!
"Please keep up the fantastic work. It is so humbling to me in a world which often seems obsessed with money, possessions and measures, to see you all selflessly donate your time and skills in finding and helping vulnerable people in their time of need, adding true value to their lives" Jonathan - manager The Acapulco, Halifax.