Building an Industry Based Approach to Workforce Change in Healthcare Presentation, October 16, 2013 Laura Chenven, Director, H-CAP.


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Presentation transcript:

Building an Industry Based Approach to Workforce Change in Healthcare Presentation, October 16, 2013 Laura Chenven, Director, H-CAP

What and Who is H-CAP A national union and employer collaborative supporting career pathways and professional career education for the incumbent healthcare worker A national network of joint l/m training funds and industry based training organizations that engage healthcare unions

Where H-CAP Partnerships are Located

Impact of ACA on Workforce Education and Training Increased recognition of the value of front line workforce in achieving health outcomes that “count” Teams, integration and care coordination –dialogue and interdisciplinary training – emphasis on communication and safety Transition of workers into new roles Recognition of need for common skill sets Blending workforce and academic education for the frontline worker

Challenges and Barriers for an Industry/Education Partnership Trust – the WIFM Articulation Credit for prior learning Paying for value and value based purchasing Scheduling and support Changes for the instructors - customization and industry pressures The gap between academic and workforce departments

Some Innovations and Promising Practices A modular Medical Assistant program that facilitates credit for prior learning – WA community colleges Competency based BSN completion – WGU Training and basic skills in environmental sustainability; preparation for credit bearing course with PBL and dual instructors – labor/employer/local colleges in 4 states Advanced home care training– CA, WA, NY, IL, other Care Manager – A NY model

What is a Care Manager? The generic title describes a variety of jobs that are frontline, paraprofessional healthcare workers involved in any type care coordination, such as: – Patient Care Technicians/Associates – Social Work Assistants – Unit Clerks – Patient or Care Navigators – Registrars – Case Workers – Customer Service Liaisons – Community Health/Outreach Workers – Health Education Counselors – Medical Assistants – Home Care Workers

Overview Gateway training for care managers and non-professional staff engaged in care coordination Modular curriculum -24 modules, total 48 hours Utilizes adult education principals and constructivist approach to learning, relying heavily upon participants’ experience and an interactive learning process Can be easily customized to work site Training includes: —Overview of ACA and quality care goals —Communication – active listening, motivation interviewing, understanding interdisciplinary care teams —Basics of common chronic diseases/health and wellness —Basics of mental illness and crisis management —Bias, culture and values in healthcare/ health disparities —Accessing patient resources, including housing and nutrition —Third part payer systems —Transitions in care - avoiding readmissions

Objectives – To provide frontline staff with the tools they need to operate within the new healthcare system--- a system that rewards preventative care, where funding is linked to patient satisfaction and positive health outcomes. – Improve quality and reduce costs through care coordination that prevents avoidable hospitalizations, improves chronic disease management and improves follow-up care.

How was it developed? The 1199 Training and Upgrading Fund, a Joint l/m organization, convened employers and union from across the region Employers and union defined core competencies Curriculum written by fund and contractor then reviewed and revised by the initial group for revision and adjustment

Is the training effective? Evaluation / Evidence Basis, training participant survey

Is the training effective? Evaluation / Evidence Basis, health system enrollee survey

Working with Higher Education Curriculum developed by the industry Training Fund trained college in the adult learner centered curriculum and modality of instruction Curriculum approved for a credit bearing course at NY City College of Technology … but only when they offer the course No credit for prior training – so hundreds have taken this course – same as that offered by the college – but no chance of credit - yet

A time for partnerships Each stakeholder contributes to success – Employer – Investment in the experienced workforce, ability to adjust schedules, engagement of front line managers, opportunities for promotion, knows required competencies, values diversity,resources - space, simulation, clinical placements – Labor – recruitment, publicity, help with schedule changes and time off, advocacy, support for worker centered and cohort programs, support outcomes of increased participation in education – L/M programs – facilitate relationships, wrap around supports, case management and navigation of the education system, career counseling, cohort organization, industry conveners for competency based curriculum – Education – expertise in curriculum and instruction, certifications and stackable credentials, degrees, cohort based education, dual instructor models, hybrid and on line instruction

The benefits of working together The WIFM – Skilled employees and retention – Quality patient outcomes – Higher retention and completion rates – Career advancement and economic gain for families and community – Education that combines knowledge, skill, and the competencies needed for today’s rapidly changing healthcare industry.

Thank you! Laura Chenven, Director, H-CAP