1 BIBLE STUDY TECHNIQUES A Distance Education or Online Study Course NET Bible Institute
2 Module 2: “Jargon” – “Differences” Outline Module 2 A. Overview a. Lecture A. Study a. Read b. Memorize B. Link a. Watch a Prezi presentation A. Assignment a. Choose 3 questions to answer) NET Bible Institute
3 Module 2: Study Read Chapter 2 in Bible Study Methods (linked here) How are we to approach this new kind of study? Memorize Heb 4:16 NET Bible Institute
4 Module 2 – Link Meet Pearly, Peter and Patsy as they discuss the two kinds of Bible Study... Watch the moving slide presentation by clicking the “Prezi” Link slideshow penguins-and-bible-study / NET Bible Institute
5 Module 2: Assignment Thinking: Just from watching the video what key ideas did you glean?. Journal: What Ideas did you glean about Bible Study and which method you think you might prefer. NET Bible Institute
6 MODULE 2: Questions-Choose Any 3 (1) Comprehension: Using the chart on page 13 in Bible Study Methods (linked here) explain the differences between the two methods. (2) Application: How would you explain the idea that the deductive method is for “sponges” to another listener? (3) Evaluate: What do you think of the author’s presumption that often is voiced about the deductive method is for “lazy thinkers”. NET Bible Institute
7 Module 2: Questions cont’d (4) (Evaluation) What are the pros and cons of each method? (5) (Evaluation) Which method is less time consuming? (6) (Analysis) Which method uses less interaction between you and God? (7) (Personal) Of the two which one do you think you might prefer? (8) your responses to SonShine. NET Bible Institute