Approaches to Education Transmission, Transaction and Transformation
Approaches to Education 3 T’s Approaches Approaches to Education Transmission Transaction Transformation
Transmission Transmission is a good approach for teachers looking to impart alot of information on to students. Traditionally, for subject of history, this approach worked extremely well to transmit factual information such as dates.
Pros and Cons Transmission: Pros- this approach is well suited to some learners (passive learners, logical), is suited to the sciences and mathematics, is ideal for essentialist and behaviouralist teachers, it is also very easy to assess the level of knowledge that was gained through this teaching. Cons- little to no creativity is encouraged, very linear and not well suited to some learners and intelligences, not a very exciting or interactive way of learning.
Transformation Educational Transformation offers a range of services to lead and support efforts to achieve significant, systematic and sustained change in schools and higher education sector.
Pros and Cons Transformation: Pros- it focuses on more than just intellectual development, it can create very strong bonds between the student and the subject matter, it caters well to all intelligences. Cons- it does not focus as greatly on intellectual development as the other approaches do (this could be seen as a serious detriment.)
Transaction Transaction is an important strategy to consider when wanting to elicit more interaction and group work within class. It provides more opportunity to create a ‘dialogue’ between the teacher and students in class. This strategy would be ideal when discussing or debating current topics or controversial issues.
Pros and Cons Transaction: Pros- can be highly interactive and engaging, is ideal for some learners and intelligences (interpersonal), fosters greater creativity and inductive/deductive reasoning skills, focuses more on critical thinking skills than transmission. Cons- may not be suited to some learners such as those with LD’s or those who are more passive.
Implication Implications for students If we were to embrace a truly holistic approach to teaching then it would benefit the students greatly. By nature of the varied approaches, teacher would be open to all different learning styles, would be flexible, and yet rigid enough to know when a specific approach is appropriate to a certain topic or situation. Focusing too greatly on any one of the three approaches is unhealthy for uniform student growth. Just as we must foster growth between all intelligences, we should utilize all of the teaching approaches possible, to help our students.
The first form of learning is transmission, involving a one-way flow of information from the teacher or the textbook to the student. The focus is on accumulating factual information and basic skills. “UNIVERSITY MODEL” A second form of learning is transaction, characterized by greater interaction between student and teacher. This form focuses on solving problems and developing cognitive skills. Students examine a broad range of problems and issues. “DR. GOSSE TYPE LESSONS” A third form of learning is transformational. Here, the focus is not just on intellectual development, but also on physical, emotional, aesthetic, moral, and spiritual growth. Significant connections develop between the student and the subject matter. This type of learning often nurtures the student's inner life through such approaches as storytelling and the arts.