Introducing Environmental Science and Stability. Overview o Human Impacts on The Environment o Population, Resources and the Environment o Environmental.


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Presentation transcript:

Introducing Environmental Science and Stability

Overview o Human Impacts on The Environment o Population, Resources and the Environment o Environmental Sustainability o Environmental Science o Assessing Environmental Problems

Theme: Interconnectedness o Study of the Environment and the human interaction with it. o Interdisciplinary Investigations Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Meteorology, Mathematics, Economics, Politics, History, Ethics, etc. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Meteorology, Mathematics, Economics, Politics, History, Ethics, etc. (1) How does the earth work? (1) How does the earth work? (2) How are we effecting the earth? (2) How are we effecting the earth? (3) How do we deal with current environmental problems? (3) How do we deal with current environmental problems?

The two sides o Earth provides 1. solar capital – energy 2. natural capital – all other resources 3. energy Resources o Humans need 1. basic common needs 2. Food, Water, Air, Shelter

The Environment (Earth) o Life has existed on earth for 3.8 billion years o Earth well suited for life Water covers ¾ of planet Water covers ¾ of planet Habitable temperature Habitable temperature Moderate sunlight Moderate sunlight Atmosphere provides oxygen and carbon dioxide Atmosphere provides oxygen and carbon dioxide Soil provides essential minerals for plants Soil provides essential minerals for plants o But humans are altering the planet; not always in positive ways

Human Impacts on Environment- Population o Earth’s Human Population is over 6 billion Growing exponentially Growing exponentially o Expected to add several billion more people in 21 st century o Increase will adversely affect living conditions in many areas of the world

Population o Globally, 1 in 4 people lives in extreme poverty Cannot meet basic need for food, clothing, shelter, health Cannot meet basic need for food, clothing, shelter, health o Difficult to meet population needs without exploiting earth’s resources

Gap Between Rich and Poor (haves versus have nots) o Highly Developed Countries (HDC) Complex industrialized bases, low population growth, high per capita incomes Complex industrialized bases, low population growth, high per capita incomes Ex: US, Canada, Japan Ex: US, Canada, Japan 1.2 billion people (19% world population) 1.2 billion people (19% world population) 85% wealth, 88% resource use, 75% pollution 85% wealth, 88% resource use, 75% pollution o Less Developed Countries (LDC) Low level of industrialization, very high fertility rate, high infant mortality rate, low per capita income Low level of industrialization, very high fertility rate, high infant mortality rate, low per capita income Ex: Bangladesh, Mali, Ethiopia Ex: Bangladesh, Mali, Ethiopia 5 billion people (81% of world population) 5 billion people (81% of world population) 15% wealth, 12% resource use, 25% pollution 15% wealth, 12% resource use, 25% pollution

World Population Distribution

Increases in Globalization Increases in Globalization o Process of Global social, economic and environmental change that increases integration of the world o  Global trade 5  16%, o Technological connection – 1/11 people in world on the internet o Environment – organisms transported around globe, pollutants in environment

Overpopulation o People overpopulation Too many people in a given geographic area Too many people in a given geographic area Problem in many developing nations Problem in many developing nations o Consumption overpopulation Each individual in a population consumes too large a share of the resources Each individual in a population consumes too large a share of the resources Problem in many highly developed nations Problem in many highly developed nations

Types of Natural Resources

Ecological Footprint o The average amount of land, water and ocean required to provide that person with all the resources they consume Earth’s Productive Land and Water 11.4 billion hectares Amount Each Person is Allotted (divide Productive Land and Water by Human Population) 1.9 hectares Current Global Ecological Footprint of each person 2.3 hectares

Ecological Footprint Comparison

IPAT Model o Measures 3 factors that affect environmental impact (I) I = P A T Environmental Impact Number of people Affluence per person Environmental effect of technologies

We are Polluting our Planet We are Polluting our Planet o Pollution = any addition to water air or soil that threatens the health, activities or survival of any organism 1. enter environment naturally - volcanoes 2. anthropogenic sources - automobiles 3. Point vs. Nonpoint sources o How are we minimizing pollution effects?

Endocrine Disrupters Dozens of widely used industrial and environmental chemicals are known to be endocrine disrupters Dozens of widely used industrial and environmental chemicals are known to be endocrine disrupters E.D.’s mimic or interfere with the actions of the endocrine system (body’s hormones) E.D.’s mimic or interfere with the actions of the endocrine system (body’s hormones) Scientific evidence suggests E.D.’s affect humans in the same ways that they affect animals Scientific evidence suggests E.D.’s affect humans in the same ways that they affect animals

1980 DDT spill in Lake Apopka o In 1980 there was large chemical spill of DDT in Lake Apopka o Alligators born after the spill have abnormalities in their reproiductive systems. o The result: 90% decline in alligator population National Center for Environmental Research

Environmental Sustainability o The ability to meet current human need for natural resources without compromising the needs of future generations o Requires understanding: The effects of our actions on the earth The effects of our actions on the earth That earth’s resources are not infinite That earth’s resources are not infinite

Is our Society Sustainable? o No readily accepted view -- Humans are smart enough to deal with what ever problems the degradation of earth may throw at us We are in serious trouble and on our current course the environment will be destroyed beyond repair in the near future We are in serious trouble and on our current course the environment will be destroyed beyond repair in the near future o A clash of worldviews – how we see the world, and ethics – the right and wrong environmental behavior

The Worldviews Planetary Management o We’re in charge of nature o Resources are unlimited o All growth is good o Our success depends on our control Environmental Management o Nature doesn’t just exist for us o Resources are limited o Growth may be bad o Success depends on acting with env. wisdom

The 2002 World Summit: Adoption of AGENDA 21 (focus on sustainable development) Sustainable Development Environmentally sound decisions Socially equitable decisions Economically viable decisions

Potential changes for the Future 1. Pollution prevention not Clean up 2. Waste reduction not Disposal 3. Protecting habitats not Species 4. Environmental restoration not Degradation 5. More efficient resource use not increased use 6. Population stabilization not Growth

Eras of US Environmental History o Tribal = ??? – 1600 o Frontier = o Conservation = o Environmental =

The Tribal Era o 5-10 million tribal people o Native Americans were hunter-gatherers, also burned and cleared fields to plant crops o Small populations and Limited Technology o Deep respect for the lands and animals and did not believe in land ownership

The Frontier Era o Frontier Ethic and Imminent Domain Wilderness should be conquered and brought under human control (savage wilderness) Wilderness should be conquered and brought under human control (savage wilderness) o Transfer of public lands to private interests o Place Native Americans on reservations (4% of US land) o Sell off much of land for cheap interests like mining, ranching, etc

The Conservation Era o Alarm starts at the scope of resource depletion and environmental degradation o 1890’s – Forest Reserve Act, formation of the Sierra Club o Theodore Rosevelt – “The Golden Age of Conservation – National Wildlife Refuge system (Pelican Is. FL), National Park system o FDR – 1930’s – Dams built (electricity, irrigation), Soil conservation act

War and Depression o Republicans allowed public land for business to try and boost economy Creation of CCC (civilian conservation corps) 2 million unemployed working to Creation of CCC (civilian conservation corps) 2 million unemployed working to Plant trees Plant trees Create/maintain parks Create/maintain parks Restore waterways Restore waterways Build levees and dams Build levees and dams Protect wildlife Protect wildlife Control soil erosion Control soil erosion

The Environmental Era o 1962 – Publication of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson o Beginning of the modern environmental movement GOALS 1. Curtail pollution 2. Clean up polluted environments 3. Protect pristine areas from degradation

1960’s o The 1960’s brought some devastating environmental problems o Cuyahoga river so polluted it catches fire o 300 die from severe air pollution in New York o Detergents causing some streams to become “bubble baths” o Oil spill in Santa Barbara kills wildlife and pollutes beaches

1970’s The Good President Carter – environmental President Carter – environmental Tripled National Wilderness System Tripled National Wilderness System Appointed conservationists to EPA Appointed conservationists to EPA o Earth Day – April 20, 1970 o OPEC oil embargo occurs 1973 o Lead poisoning Act – paint out of toys o Clean water Act – protects rivers/streams The Bad and the Ugly o Love canal – toxic waste tragedy

1980’s President Reagan – not environmental Sage brush rebellion – less federal control Cut funding for renewable energy Lowered air and water quality standards Appointed anti environmental people to key posts

1990’s o Disappointing for Environmentalists Fighting efforts to weaken the reforms of the 70’s and 80’s Fighting efforts to weaken the reforms of the 70’s and 80’s Countering claims that environmental problems were hoaxes Countering claims that environmental problems were hoaxes Membership in conservation groups declined Membership in conservation groups declined o But local environmental interest at schools, colleges and communities has strengthened

2000’s and beyond Our agenda must include 1. Water crisis at home and globally 2. Continued population growth 3. Continued biodiversity losses 4. Threats to global climate change 5. Increase preserved land areas 6. Halt urban sprawl 7. Build public support

Tragedy of the Commons o Garrett Hardin ( ) o Solving Environmental Problems is result of struggle between: Short term welfare Short term welfare Long term environmental stability and societal welfare Long term environmental stability and societal welfare o Garrett used Common Pastureland in medieval Europe to illustrate the struggle

Your Challenge This course will not tell you how to think about the environment. Rather it will provide you with the background information necessary to make your own decision about how you will impact the environment in the future. This course will not tell you how to think about the environment. Rather it will provide you with the background information necessary to make your own decision about how you will impact the environment in the future.

Environmental Science o An interdisciplinary study of human relationship with other organisms and the earth which includes Biology Biology Ecology Ecology Geography Geography Chemistry Chemistry Geology Geology Physics Physics Economics Economics Sociology Sociology Demography Demography politics politics

Earth As a System o System A set of components that interact and function as a whole A set of components that interact and function as a whole o Global Earth Systems Climate, atmosphere, land, coastal zones, ocean Climate, atmosphere, land, coastal zones, ocean o Ecosystem A natural system consisting of a community of organisms and its physical environment A natural system consisting of a community of organisms and its physical environment o System approach to environmental science Helps us understand how human activities effect global environmental parameters Helps us understand how human activities effect global environmental parameters

Earth Systems o Most of earth’s systems are in dynamic equilibrium or steady state Rate of change in one direction equals that in the other Rate of change in one direction equals that in the other o Feedback Change in 1 part of system leads to change in another Change in 1 part of system leads to change in another Negative feedback- change triggers a response that counteracts the changed condition Negative feedback- change triggers a response that counteracts the changed condition Positive feedback- change triggers a response that intensifies the changing condition Positive feedback- change triggers a response that intensifies the changing condition

o There are many variations of the scientific method o However it usually involves 5 steps We use the scientific method in order to help understand these systems

Scientific Method

Controls and Variables in an Experiment o Variable (independent versus dependent) A factor that influences a process A factor that influences a process The variable may be altered in an experiment to see its effect on the outcome (This is the independent variable which is graphed on the X- axis) The variable may be altered in an experiment to see its effect on the outcome (This is the independent variable which is graphed on the X- axis) The variable that is effected as a direct result of manipulating the independent variable is the dependent variable The variable that is effected as a direct result of manipulating the independent variable is the dependent variable o Control The variable is not altered The variable is not altered Allows for comparison between the altered variable test and the unaltered variable test Allows for comparison between the altered variable test and the unaltered variable test

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning o Inductive Reasoning Used to discover general principles Used to discover general principles Seeks a unifying explanation for all the data available Seeks a unifying explanation for all the data available Ex: Ex: FACT: Gold is a metal heavier than water FACT: Gold is a metal heavier than water FACT: Iron is metal heavier than water FACT: Iron is metal heavier than water FACT: Silver is a metal heavier than water FACT: Silver is a metal heavier than water CONCLUSION (based on inductive reasoning): All metals are heavier than water CONCLUSION (based on inductive reasoning): All metals are heavier than water Conclusions reached with inductive reasoning may change with new information Conclusions reached with inductive reasoning may change with new information

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning o Deductive Reasoning Proceeds from generalities to specifics Proceeds from generalities to specifics Adds nothing new to knowledge, but makes relationships among data more apparent Adds nothing new to knowledge, but makes relationships among data more apparent Ex: Ex: GENERAL RULE: All birds have wings GENERAL RULE: All birds have wings SPECIFIC EXAMPLE: Robins are birds SPECIFIC EXAMPLE: Robins are birds CONCLUSION (based on deductive reasoning): All Robins have wings CONCLUSION (based on deductive reasoning): All Robins have wings

Five Stages to Addressing An Environmental Problem o Five steps are idealistic Real life is rarely so neat Real life is rarely so neat o Following Slides are Case Study Using the Five Stages

Case Study: Greening China o China and the Environment AIR 16/20 smoggiest cities in China, 1/3 of China affected by Acid rain, 400K deaths annually from resp illness AIR 16/20 smoggiest cities in China, 1/3 of China affected by Acid rain, 400K deaths annually from resp illness WATER 50% of H2O too contaminated for agriculture use, 300 million without reliable H2O WATER 50% of H2O too contaminated for agriculture use, 300 million without reliable H2O o Rapid Growth of the middle class o Exploding consumption

Case Study: Greening China o F3DM as the car of the future o Govt commitment for clean water for everyone o Hillside logging banned, trees planted o Rizhao – model city created o Public protest and environmental organizations

Case Study: Greening China o Why should you care?