Fairest Lord Jesus; Ruler of all nature, O Thou of God and man the Son.


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Presentation transcript:

Fairest Lord Jesus; Ruler of all nature, O Thou of God and man the Son.

Thee will I cherish; Thee will I honor, Thou my soul’s glory, joy, and crown.

Fair are the meadows; Fairer still the woodlands, Robed in the blooming clothes of spring.

Jesus is fairer; Jesus is purer; Who makes the woeful heart to sing.

Fair is the sunshine; Fairer still the moonlight And all the twinkling starry host.

Jesus shines brighter; Jesus shines purer Than all the angels heav’n can boast.

Beautiful Savior! Lord of the nations! Son of God and Son of man!

Glory and honor, Praise, adoration, Now and forevermore be Thine! German Hymn/Schlesische Volkslieder 1677

No strength of nature can suffice to serve the Lord aright And what she has she misapplies for want of clearer light

Now long beneath the Law I lay in bondage and distress! I toiled the precept to obey but toiled without success

The Law, it cannot save Its work will not atone It only teaches me I’m saved by Christ alone

Then to abstain from outward sin was more than I could do Now if I feel its pow’r within I feel I hate it too

Then all my servile works were done A righteousness to raise Now freely chosen in the Son, I freely choose His ways

The Law, it cannot save Its work will not atone It only teaches me I’m saved by Christ alone

“What shall I do?” was then the word that I may deeper grow What shall I render to the Lord? Is my inquiry now

To see the Law by Christ fulfilled and hear His pard’ning Voice A slave to change into a child and duty into choice

The Law, it cannot save Its work will not atone It only teaches me I’m saved by Christ alone Verses by William Cowper Music to Verses by Carl G. Glazer Words and Music to Refrain by Thomas G. Clay © 2011 GraceAnne Music

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!

What more can He say than to you He hath said, To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?

“Fear not, I am with thee; O be not dismayed, For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid;

I’ll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand.”

“When thro’ fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;

The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.”

“The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose I will not, I will not desert to his foes;

That soul, tho’ all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no, never, no, never forsake!” John Rippon/Joseph Funk

We pray for blessings We pray for peace Comfort for family Protection while we sleep

We pray for healing For prosperity We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering

And all the while You hear each spoken word Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things

‘Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops? What if Your healing comes through tears?

What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re near?

And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?

We pray for wisdom Your voice to hear And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near

We doubt Your goodness We doubt Your love As if ev’ry promise from Your Word is not enough

And all the while You hear each desp’rate plea And long that we’d have faith to believe

‘Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops? What if Your healing comes through tears?

What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re near?

And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?

When friends betray us When darkness seems to win We know that pain reminds this heart that this is not

This is not our home! It’s not our home

‘Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops? What if Your healing comes through tears?

What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re near?

What if my greatest disappointments Or the aching of this life Is a revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy?

And what if trials of this life The rain, the storms, the hardest nights Are Your mercies in disguise? Words and Music by Laura Story © 2011 New Spring ASCAP