JOBTALKS Resume Preparation: Designing Your Resume Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D Contents used in this presentation are adapted from Career Planning Strategies and used with the permission of the author.
JOBTALKS Resume Preparation Designing Your Resume Business Career Planning and Placement Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D.
RESUMES Preparation techniques Design strategies Content
Highly structured Serves as application Factual; good & bad points Not sales oriented The College Interview Resume
MATCHING Employers selection criteria The basic resume concept Your credentials
Basic Resume Formats l Chronological l Functional l Hybrid
Functional Resume Headings l Technical SkillsAccounting Writing Languages l Functional Skills Managing Selling Training l Administrative Skills Analyzing Planning Motivating
To obtain an invitation for an interview Resume Purpose To obtain an invitation for an interview Not the whole sales presentation Stimulate employer's appetite Attractive lure
Hey… This ought to impress them!
RESUME OF I.M. IMPORTANT NO YES A resume is a digest of qualifications RESUME
The Resume Passport to Job Interviews H Responding to job leads H Personal calling card H Reference assistance H Network facilitator H Broadcasting
Resume Uses: Answering job advertisements HELP WANTED
Resume Uses: Responding to job leads
Resume Uses: Contacts Recommenders
Recommender Resume t Everyone needs sales representatives t Builds consistency in referral's comments t 3-4 pages of quotable material t Simplifies task of network partners t Prelude to interview presentation
Physical Structure Built in sections Outline format Avoid long narrative Not a bibliography
BUILDING BLOCKS IdentificationObjectives EducationActivities Experience Personal References
Appearance Positive first impression Neat and clean Perfectly typed Ample white space
Don't come across sloppy!
30 The -Second Scan 30 The -Second Scan Scores of resumes - impossible reading = Pass 1: "Initial" 30-second scan = Pass 2: Another 30-second scan = Pass 3: 2-3 minute credential review = Interview appointment set
Focus the reader's eyes on five key points Identifications capitalization boldfacing Dashes underlining slashes Asterisks dots bullets
Constructing The Detail Lower case letters imply detail Maximum of four sentences per paragraph Phrases held together with dots Avoid extraneous words
Section Size Sections not necessarily equal in length Size indicates depth in background Education and experience levels dictates
References SECTION ORDER Identification and Objectives Education Experience Activities Personal Publications
Determinants of Length Extensiveness of background Potential use of resume Key points to emphasize Resume means short, concise summary
Purpose Controversial Discrimination
Writing and Printing Services Writing Services Copy Machines Typeset
Forms of the verb to be Pronouns Failure connotations I Me None Fail Have Is Will No Less How Avoid Certain Words
Background Traits Attitude Communication Organization Personality Maturity Enthusiasm Leadership Professional Poise Work Habits
Action Words (past tense) Analyzed Approved Completed Developed Directed Established Increased Improved Lead Organized Planned Reduced Solved Supervised Trained Employers want doers, not talkers. Convey an action image.
Techniques and Basic Design Strategies: "Ups" the quality
JOBTALKS Resume Preparation Designing Your Resume Business Career Planning and Placement Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D.
Career Planning Today by C. Randall Powell Fourth Edition
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