The Sunrays
The project: Public debate
Hooke’s highlights about the origin of colours: There are two primary colours: blue and red, that take origin from the modification of the white light. The other colours arise for the composition of the primary ones.
The white light is a foundamental and uncompounded wave. The colours originates from a distortion of the wave caused by passing through a medium. Colours are a property of the matter.
Hooke as we see him Hooke seems to make an hypothesis before doing experiments. We talked about the reasons that led Hooke to choose this approach. He was mainly a physician, so we think that he made his hypothesis after studying the human eye and the looked for the experiments that could support it DEDUCTIVE APPROACH
Newton’s highlights about the origin of colours: Colours originate by the composition of three principal colour: red, green and blue. The white light is a composition.
The colour is a characteristic of the light itself: rays that are disposed to have a particular colour do not change their colour because of reflection. This sounds convincing to us, because what we see is that different combination of the primary colours gave origin to different colors, for example if you mix red and blue you have purple, if you mix blue and yellow you get green and so on
Newton as we see him INDUCTIVE APPROACH Newton made some experiments and then some hypothesis to explain the results.