Chapter 1---Effect Size Old Belief--- Scores on the test have nothing to do with the quality of the school the students attend. Students’ achievement are mainly due to natural intelligence, socioeconomic status of the student and the home environment of the student. Later Belief---An individual teacher can have powerful effect on her students even if the school doesn’t. Research in education is as rigorous or conclusive as research in physics and chemistry. Effect Size---it measures how effective the instructional strategies are in the experimental group comparing the control group. ◦ Effect size=1.0 means a percentile gain of 34 points ◦ Effect size 0.2=small, effect size 0.5=medium, effect size 0.80=large ◦ Negative effect size means the instructional strategy is not working and the experimental group actually performed worse than the control group.
Chapter 9---Generating and Testing Hypotheses Students apply their knowledge to generate and test the hypotheses. Hands on experience is a must here. 2 generalizations ◦ Inductive or deductive manner (Deductive is more effective) Deductive---Principles are presented to the students. Later students generate and test the hypotheses. Inductive---Students generate the hypotheses first. Then they discover the principles from their hypotheses. Conclusions are drawn based on information they are presented with. ◦ Students need to be able to explain their hypotheses and their conclusions. 6 types of tasks to help student to explain System Analysis Problem Solving Historical Investigation Invention Experimental Inquiry Decision Making
Examples of Strategy---Math Classroom Inductive Approach Let students do some problems and ask them if they recognize the patterns of addition and multiplication. Let them form their hypothesis. ( ex: “you need to multiply first then add) Allow the students to test their hypothesis Deductive Approach Present the principles of addition and multiplication to the students Let the students do some problems to form their hypothesis and then test their hypothesis