Student Evaluation Advisory October 21, 2009. Purpose The purpose for Region 4 sponsored advisory committees is to receive current national, state, regional,


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Presentation transcript:

Student Evaluation Advisory October 21, 2009

Purpose The purpose for Region 4 sponsored advisory committees is to receive current national, state, regional, and local information on issues related to student evaluation, identify trends and issues affecting your district/campus, provide feedback on services, and network with other professionals.

Membership Advisory members employed by their Local Education Agencies (LEA) and are designated by their Superintendent or Special Education Director LEA’s are represented by one staff member with experience in the assigned advisory focus and purpose for special education and related services Due to limited space and resource availability, we ask that only the designated representative from the district or charter attend these meetings

Responsibilities of Advisory Members Provide recommendations and suggestions to Region 4 ESC staff regarding best practices in delivering special education services and providing professional development Assist in facilitation of advisory committee projects and services Attend scheduled meetings throughout the year Share information with others in their LEAs and colleagues in other surrounding LEAs/regions Provide support to Region 4 ESC staff in establishing linkages to educational resources, child serving agencies, and community organizations

The goal of the Region 4 Special Education Department is to be district’s number one choice for products and services

Region 4 Services Technical Assistance Customized Services Partner with districts to provide training Create products to meet the needs of the customer

Region 4 ESC Student Evaluation Core Team Amy Doolan, LSSP Clynita Grafenreed, LSSP Donna Black, LSSP Gayla Lutz, SLP Linda Hall, Diagnostician

Advisory Meetings DateTimeSession ID October 21, 20109:00 am – 12:00 pm January 27, 20119:00 am – 12:00 pm May 12, 20119:00 am – 12:00 pm470765

WIKI Access the materials presented at the Student Evaluation Advisory meetings at

Review of State Information

SPP Information Dates to remember Reasons for noncompliance

SPP 11 Data Total Number Referred Performance Texas72, % Region 412, %

SPP 12 Data Total Referred from Part C to Part B Performance Texas11, % Region 42, %

Dispute Resolution Data Summary of Region 4 data District Reports

2010 Parent Survey Responses Review Parent Survey Responses

2010 Statewide Systemic Issues of Noncompliance Review and discuss handout

Statewide Evaluation Network Survey Compare state and regional data Review training needs Identify additional needs

ECI MOU Review handout e/keet.html e/keet.html

State Assessment Update Letter dated October 15, 2010 Description of assessment model Assessment Attributes

Review of National Information USDE Q&A Document OSEP Letters NASP Position Statement

Resources Provided Special Education Quick Reference Guide Avoiding Predetermination and Other Legal Pitfalls What to do When Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses Models for Identifying SLD 212⁰ FISH

Review of Recent Due Process Decisions

The Role of the Interpreter within the Public School and Special Education Context This training focuses on the essential foundations of interpreting with specific application to the role of the interpreter within the public school and special education context. – Day 1 includes the basics of interpreting, including the primary goals and functions of the interpreter, the modes of interpreting, and the interpreter’s standards for professional behavior. – Day 2 will provide an overview of best practices for facilitating the interpreted session, the history of and legal precedence for special education as related to limited English proficiency, and a review of technical terminology. The training is not only for Spanish interpreters, it is appropriate for all bilingual staff. This comprehensive training will help build capacity for the different languages present in and unique to your district. Session ID: Date: 11/2/10 & 11/9/10

Upcoming Conferences HOUMET – November 18-20, 2010 SWEP – February 21-23, 2011 TEDA – April 7-9, 2011

Region 4 Education Service Center Special Education Solutions 7145 West Tidwell Houston, TX (713) (713) (Fax)