Angels. GAME TIME! *Rules of the game* Give an index card and pencil to each child as they arrive. Ask them to write down at least four things about.


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Presentation transcript:



*Rules of the game* Give an index card and pencil to each child as they arrive. Ask them to write down at least four things about themselves that make them likeable. When everyone has at least four things, collect all the cards. Read them one by one to the class and have the kids try to guess who it is. After everyone has guessed, let the owner of the card speak up. How many did each child guess correctly?

Angels are God’s messengers An angel is a very SPECIAL creation of God. God uses angels for SPECIAL missons. They are his SPECIAL messengers.

Angels’ missions in the Bible OT – Daniel and the lions den: (Daniel 6) from the Bible Story Book p. 323 READING TIME! NT – God protects the disciples in prison: (Acts 12) from the Bible Story Book p.499 READING TIME!

Why? Because God LOVES us so much that he sent his angels to help and protect us!

Angel’s characteristics Pleasing to God Made of light Listen to God ……

And myself? I am also a SPECIAL creation of God. Can God use me for missions? Can I be God’s SPECIAL messenger? What are the characteristics that will make us please God? (honest, helpful, kind, brave, …)


I am God’s SPECIAL messenger What would I like to have from those characteristics so I can be God’s SPECIAL MESSENGER ? *Give each kid his index card back to write on the other side the characteristics he’d like to see in himself.* *Kids take cards home with cross-word and verse.*