Video Break CCL: 1:56 Oregon Climate: 4:48http:// CCL Robert Reich: 3:04
A Fee on Atmospheric Pollution: Exploring the Options March 31 st 2015 Alan Journet SOCAN Sherrill Rinehart: Southern Oregon CCL Sam Becker Oregon Climate David Beale SOCAN Tom Bowerman: Policy Interactive
We have regulations and controls about this….
and this….
But why not this…?
NASA –GISS including
Future Temperature Range (2100 and beyond) 3.6 ⁰ F 7.2 ⁰ F 10.8 ⁰ F 14.4 ⁰ F 18.0 ⁰ F 21.6 ⁰ F Unavoidable Unmanageable
The Main Greenhouse Gases Nitrous oxide Water Dihydrogen monoxide Longevity ≈ centuries Carbon dioxide 100 year GWP = 1 Methane 100 year GWP = GWP = Longevity ≈ decade Longevity ≈ century 100 year GWP = 298 Longevity ≈ 250 years CFC / HCFC 100 year GWP = 15,000 Longevity ≈ 10 Days
Trends in Major Greenhouse Gases to 2014 CO 2 CH 4 N2ON2O
2 ⁰ C = 3.6 ⁰ F KEEP IT IN THE GROUND!
A Fee on Atmospheric Pollution SOCAN Positions: 1 SOCAN supports reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. 2 SOCAN recognizes that carbon pollution imposes a social cost through the consequences of heat waves, droughts, floods, severe weather, etc. and supports eliminating subsidies for carbon intensive energy producers and imposing fees for using the atmosphere as a deposit for carbon pollution thus allowing low carbon energy resources an improved competitive economic opportunity.
A Fee on Atmospheric Pollution The primary culprit is Carbon dioxide. A rising star is methane (= natural gas). Principle of externalities - fossil fuel users dump polluting by-products into our atmosphere free – and we all pay the price in climate chaos Yes! That includes us! Primary techniques to redress this oversight: Tax / Fee, Cap.
Main Differences Tax / Fee – Charges for the right to emit Polluters buy rights at this predetermined price Cap – Limits the allowable total of emissions Polluters buy allowances at predetermined price or through auction
A Fee on Atmospheric Pollution What do we do with the funds raised? Use them for other socially valuable activities. Decrease other taxes commensurately – Revenue Neutral Tax Return them to citizens as a Dividend. CCL and Oregon Climate Bill
A Fee on Atmospheric Pollution Key Questions: 1Does the proposal address all greenhouse gas emissions or only some - usually carbon (as a surrogate for carbon dioxide)? If latter, will it encourage natural gas? Because of methane leakage, shale-fracked natural gas is worse than coal. If a Tax or Fee, is it progressive or regressive? If a Revenue Neutral Tax or Fee, where are taxes lowered, or are funds returned as a Dividend? 2Is the proposal politically feasible? 3Will the proposal survive as a Ballot Measure? Dirty
A Fee on Atmospheric Pollution Tax/Fee Impose a fee on fossil fuels as they enter economy based on their GHG emissions at combustion. This levels playing field for renewable energy production. Fee is passed along to consumers. Encourages us to be GHG pollution conscious when we buy – avoiding GHG intensive products. Tax rises until emissions are reduced sufficiently. National focus of Citizens Climate Lobby. British Columbia. No U.S. states.
Tax / Fee Sherrill Rinehart – the CCL approach David Beale HB 2082, HB 2159
A Fee on Atmospheric Pollution Key Questions: 1Does the proposal address all greenhouse gas emissions or only some - usually carbon (as a surrogate for carbon dioxide)? If latter, will it encourage natural gas? Because of methane leakage, shale-fracked natural gas is worse than coal. If a Tax or Fee, is it progressive or regressive? If a Revenue Neutral Tax or Fee, where are taxes lowered or are funds returned as a Dividend? 2Is the proposal politically feasible? 3Will the proposal survive as a Ballot Measure? Dirty
A Fee on Atmospheric Pollution Cap Cap emissions by decree. Issue permits up to that limit. Polluters buy permits and pollute up to their limit. Permits may be sold or auctioned (The Trade). If they pollute less, they can trade permits on open market. Emissions cap is lowered annually to ultimate target. May include ‘Carbon Offsets/Credits’ provision. Neighbors – California (AB32) & Washington Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont (
Cap & …. Tom Bowerman – HB3470 Sam Becker HB3250 (Fee an Dividend); HB 3176 (Cap & Dividend)
Oregon Straw Ballot Please Rank from 5 (most preferred) to 1 (least preferred) Tax/ Fee Bills HB2082 Conventional Carbon Tax Bill (with HJM resolutions) HB2159 Conventional Carbon Tax Bill (without HJM resolutions) HB3250 Carbon Fee and Dividend (Oregon Climate) Cap Bills HB3470 CA style Cap and Allocation (Tom Bowerman) HB3176 Cap and Dividend (Oregon Climate)
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