The Cardiovascular System
DIAGRAM OF THE HEART Right Atrium Right Ventricle Left Ventricle Inferior Vena Cava Superior Vena Cava Left Atrium Pulmonary Artery Pulmonary Vein To Lungs From Lungs Aorta Mitral Valve Aortic Valve Pulmonary Valve Tricuspid Valve
Blood Flow in Pulmonary & Systemic Systems Lungs (Pulmonary) Heart (Cardiac) Digestive Tract (Mesenteric) Liver (Hepatic) Kidneys (Renal) Brain Carotid Artery Jugular Vein Pulmonary Artery Superior Vena Cava Inferior Vena Cava Hepatic Vein Aorta Pulmonary Vein Mesenteric Artery Renal Artery Renal Vein To the HeartAway from The Heart
3 Layers of the Heart & Pericardium Pericardial Cavity Myocardium Muscle of Heart Endocardium Smooth Inner Lining of Heart Visceral Pericardium Tough Outer Lining of Heart Parietal Pericardium Part of Outer Sack #1 #2 #3 Fibrous Layer of Outer Sack
Phases of Diastole & Sistole Diastole Phase: -Atria & Ventricles are relaxed -The Tricuspid and Mitral Valves are open -Atrial Contraction occurs -This pumps blood into the Ventricles Sistole Phase: -The Tricuspid and Mitral Valves Close -The Pulmonary and Arotic Valves Open -The Ventricles Contract -This Pumps Blood to the Lungs & Aorta How is this related to Blood Pressure?
Cardiac Output Stroke Volume: -The amount of blood pumped in one contraction of the heart Heart Rate: -How many times the heart pumps in one minute CARDIAC OUTPUT=STOKE VOLUME X HEART RATE “The more blood pumped in each contraction (Stroke Volume), the more beats the heart has in a minute (Heart Rate) the greater the Cardiac Output.” What happens when you do Cardio Work?
What is the difference between: (Veins, Venules, Arteries & Capillaries) Veins Move blood to the heart from the rest of the body Valves prevent deoxygenated blood from travelling backwards Venules Transfer waste products including CO2 from the body to the veins for transport back to the lungs Transfer occurs at the single cell level through osmosis and diffusion
Arteries: Transport oxygen & energy in the blood from the heart to the body Blood is kept moving by the elastic and muscular construction of the arteries Capillaries: Transfer oxygen & energy to the body Transfer occurs at the single cell level Exercise increases the amount of capillaries at the muscular level Why is the last statement important when performing cardio exercises?
Arteries and Veins “Arteries are more muscular”
Major Constituents of Blood Blood Plasma (55%) Mostly water (95%) Contains nutrients, gases, hormones, wastes, ions & proteins Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes) Act as transport for O2 & CO2 Most of the 3 types of blood cells White Blood Cells (Leukocytes) Crucial to our defense against disease & infection Blood Platelet Cells (Thrombocytes) Important for clotting (when wounds scab)
What Blood Type Are You? What are the different Blood Groups? Differences in human blood are due to the presence of proteins called antigens located on Red Blood Cells and antibodies located in your blood plasma Individuals have different types & combinations of these depending on what you inherited from your family If your blood has the same Antibodies as your donor’s Antigen then the transfusion will not work Blood Group: Type A You have Group A antigens on your red blood cells & B antibodies in your blood plasma Blood Group Type B You have Group B antigens on your red blood cells & A antibodies in your blood plasma
Type O: The Uneversal Donor Blood Group: Type O You have no Group A or B antigens on your red blood cells & both A and B antibodies in your blood plasma As a result your blood is easily accepted by the other Types of Blood The bad news is you only accept your blood type or else you A and B antibodies will react with the other types blood Antigens Blood Group Type AB You have no A or B antibodies in your plasma so you can receive blood from almost any blood type You have both A and B antigens on your Red Blood Cells so your blood is the least accepted blood by others You are known as the Universal Receiver
Blood Pressure/Heart Rate & Health What does Blood Pressure Measure? Systolic Pressure Measures the amount of pressure required to collapse an artery during the Systole Phase (When the ventricles contract to move blood out of the heart) This is the top number and is higher because the greatest pressure is created by the Pump of the ventricle trying to push blood through the body Diastolic Pressure Measures the amount of pressure required to collapse an artery during the Diastole Phase (When the Atria and Ventricles are relaxed) This is the bottom number and is lower because this is when pressure is lowest because the heart is relaxed
Blood Pressure/Heart Rate & Health What is Good Blood Pressure Measure? 120/80 + or – /70-90 Systolic Pressure Diastolic Pressure
Blood Pressure/Heart Rate & Health What if my Blood Pressure is High? Your Arteries are too tense (Hypertension) This can be as a result of Stress This can be a result of clogging or hardening of the arteries from a poor diet Your Heart will have to work harder to move the same amount of blood Remember your arteries are supposed to be elastic and muscular so they help your heart but when your blood pressure is high your heart has to do more work This over works your heart wearing it out sooner
Blood Pressure/Heart Rate & Health What if my Blood Pressure is Low? Hypotension Your Arteries are not providing enough tension This means not enough blood is moved through your body (to your brain and other organs) This can result in poor performance of these vital organs You can become faint easily You will have poor circulation Always cold What is your blood pressure?
Blood Pressure/Heart Rate & Health What do I need to know about my resting heart rate? Resting Heart Rate measures the hearts efficiency (Measure of Cardiac Output at rest) The lower the Resting HR the better This means the heart has a high stroke volume and can therefore move a lot of blood without much work (Efficient) After hard Cardio Work my Heart Rate should return to resting within 5 minutes of finishing Your heart rate should rise quickly as you work hard but should also return to your resting quickly (Efficient) A great Resting HR is 80 needs work What is your Resting Heart Rate?
“Hardening of the arteries is silent and not just for the overweight” “Results in enlarged hearts, strokes and heart attacks”
Blood Supply to the Muscles All muscles contain vessels that branch into a fine network of tiny vessels called capillaries and venules Capillaries- supply oxygen rich blood to the muscles Venules- remove deoxygenated blood & waste The blood required by contracting muscles at times can be 100 times greater than at rest “Training increases the amount of capillaries at the muscular level”
Training Increases Capillaries Aerobic and Weight Training increase the capillary network at the muscular level Increased blood flow to the muscle brings more Oxygen, Energy & Building material to the muscle Increased blood flow away from the muscle removes more waste products from the muscle allowing for Quicker Recovery This means you will have greater Cardiac Output (Higher stroke volume)
3 Energy Systems We Work in Class Fast Twitch Type X Muscle Fibers (Anaerobic Glycolytic System) Also called the Phosphagen System Creatine Supplements try to help this system Uses the most powerful muscle fibers in the body These fibers can exert the most force but fatigue quickly All out for up to 45 seconds Shorter time for less fit athletes Typically all out sprints or heavy lifts in weight training It takes 6:1 Rest to Work to recover Gets energy from the food we eat [Glycolytic] Is performed without oxygen [Anaerobic] Therefore can only be performed for short time periods
Fast Twitch Type 2a Muscle Fibers Also Called: Fast Twitch Oxidative Glycolytic System Also called: Lactic System When we work so hard that we do not get enough O2 Lactic Acid forms {The point where this happens is our Lactate Threshold} Uses Oxygen [Oxidative] When not enough O2 is present Lactic Acid forms Lactic acid is the burning feeling we get in our muscles Gets energy from food we eat [Glycolytic] Energy is formed from food we eat (from carbs in our diet) Can perform at almost full out for up to 2 minutes It takes 6:1 Rest to Work to recover We uses this a lot in Sports [High end aerobic activity] We use this a lot in the Weight Room [Hypertrophy]
Slow Twitch Aerobic Muscle Fibers Low force output Lowest force output of the muscle fibers Fatigue resistant Can use these fibers forever Athletes run death races Used in low intensity activities & in recovery Used while recovering from hard work from fast twitch muscle fibers Power walks or light jog in Wellness Center Muscle Activation Program at the beginning of the year Uses energy indirectly from food we eat We convert byproducts of the Fast Twitch Systems and convert it into large amounts of energy