CWIB-What We Do and How We Do It? Importance of Board & Committee Attendance Committee Memberships PY12 Committee Accomplishments LWIA Updates 1
2 CWIB Vision “ The Coastal Georgia workforce is a globally competitive workforce that meets the needs of local employers and attracts businesses from all over the world. The workforce is comprised of people, who are continuous learners, multi-skilled, diverse, self-aware, market ready, and economically self-sufficient.”
3 Coastal Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) Has a membership of 42, each representing one of the nine counties in the Coastal Region Has a member elected Chair & Vice-Chair Uses a committee structure with two standing committees and various goal-focused ad hoc committees
4 CWIB Serves in a policy-making role Primary responsibility lies in making sure Workforce Investment Act programs run effectively and efficiently Focus is on strategic planning, policy development, and oversight of the local workforce development system
5 How it all Fits Together (In Real Life) CLEOs appoint Board members CWIB makes policy CWS implements policy and administers the grant COS processes paperwork and provides other business services
PY12 Committee Accomplishments: Chair Presentations 6
LWIA Updates 7
Georgia Integrated State Plan July 1, June 30, 2017 Governor’s Office of Workforce Development (GOWD) Proposed Highlights of the Proposed Plan Presented by Mark Corrigan, Chairman 2013 CWIB Retreat 8
Governor’s Vision Mission: To meet the needs of Georgia’s growing economy by aligning programs and leveraging state resources to create an effective and efficient method of workforce development and provide college and career ready students from Georgia’s educational systems. 9
Goals Governor’s Goals for Workforce Development: Use market and education data and technology to drive workforce development decisions Increase Post-Secondary Enrollment and Completion Address growing skills gap between education and training outcomes with business and industry needs Design and actuate a more efficient and effective workforce development system Assist targeted populations such as military veterans, at-risk youth, ex-offenders and those seeking employment in high demand sectors to improve the quality of Georgia’s workforce outcomes 10
Eligible Training Providers may be removed from eligibility list if their program fails to meet the standard established for performance levels by GOWD. GOWD will continue in its efforts to support efficiency through the voluntary consolidation of some workforce areas, beginning with Areas 18 (South Georgia) and 19 (Southeast Georgia). LWIA will be charged to actively assist in raising high school graduation rates. Local areas should focus re-employment to skilled trades. A standardized Individual Employment Plan (IEP)/Individual Service Strategy (ISS) for participants will be developed. Proposed Restructuring and Streamlining 11
The State shall retain 25% of the dislocated worker funds to meet need of Rapid Response capacity; with quarterly reevaluations to shift funds as needed. The transfer of veterans’ military skills to civilian skills (i.e. journeyman, general and electrical construction, utility, and air conditioning). Training for staff to identify those customers in need of re-employment services: soft skills training, job search activities, development of a professional-quality resume, or referral to WIA retraining. Effect: ADULT/DISLOCATED WORKER 12
The GOWD retains the rights to make additions to the effectiveness of local One-Stop delivery systems. Rapid Response will be a team approach with the GOWD serving as the lead. Effect: ADULT/DISLOCATED WORKER (cont’d) 13
Three priorities for youth: increased high school graduation rates, increased college and career readiness, and increased soft skills levels. LWIA will be charged to actively assist in raising high school graduation rates. LWIA will need to place high importance on tutoring, lost credit redemption classes, and mentoring of younger youth Work with in-school students, parents, and educators on developing an Individual Graduation Plan to guide students through high school coursework. Effect: Youth Funding Stream 14
Local areas will need to partner or contract with entities to prepare students to achieve scores necessary to enter educational institutions without the need of remediation (i.e. Pre-Compass Boot Camp/College Placement Exam). Local areas shall continue/rejuvenate summer work experience activities. Local areas will be required to have at least 20% of youth participants ages at the time of enrollment. Effect: Youth Funding Stream (Cont’d). 15
GOWD’s New Approach to Rapid Response Services Excerpts from GOWD’s presentation in Macon, GA Administrative and Programmatic Structure Financial Structure and Disbursements Local Area Implementation Effective July 1,
Rapid Response Activity Current Responsibility New Responsibility Manage layoff of 25+ workersGDOL/StateLWIA and GOWD Contact every employer within 48 hours of notice GDOL/StateLWIA and GOWD Determine need for onsite transition centersGDOL/StateGOWD Respond to natural disastersGDOL/StateGOWD File petitions for Trade CertificationGDOL/StateGOWD Make presentations to employers and employees GDOL/State LWIA and Community Partners Coordinate services with neighboring statesGDOL/StateGOWD (with LWIA assistance) Coordinate with economic development staffGDOL/StateGOWD Job search workshops on interviewing skills, resumes, soft skills GDOL/StateLWIA Acronyms: GDOL-Georgia Department of Labor GOWD-Governor’s Office of Workforce Development RRC-Rapid Response Coordinator (from Governor’s Office) LWIA-Local Workforce Investment Area 17
Rapid Response Activity Current Responsibility New Responsibility Job Development TrainingLWIA UI Claims AssistanceGDOL Career Centers LWIA Trade service assistance ??GDOL Career Centers LWIA Provide referrals to various servicesGDOL Career Centers LWIA Individual and Group Counseling State & Community Partners LWIA Perform skills assessments and case management GDOL Career Centers RRC & Community Partners Review LMI and match to job openingsGDOL Career Centers LWIA Coordinate with economic development staffGDOL Career Centers LWIA Job Fairs, expos, hiring opportunitiesGDOLLWIA & RRC as available 18
The Current System GOWD contracts with GDOL to provide Rapid Response services GDOL utilizes Rapid Response Coordinators to contact businesses and conduct information sessions Career Centers provide many of the services at information sessions Rapid Response is managed as a top-down service administered at the State office 19
A New Approach Leverage LWIAs to provide services and more central access points Coordinate at state level to assist and support local areas, develop partnerships Decentralized approach The goal of this new model is to provide an easier access point for dislocated workers, leverage local relationships and framework, and create connections within the business community. 20
GOWD Responsibilities Receive WARN notices and communicate with local area impacted Leverage resources to gather partners and provide best strategy for layoff event Develop partnerships to assist local areas in responding to dislocation events 21
LWIA Responsibilities Manage layoff events within determined capabilities Provide access to services for dislocated worker Serve as point of contact after employer and employee meetings Discuss available services Determine what the Employer’s needs are 22
Rapid Response Activities The Local Workforce Investment Area (LWIA) must provide or have the following activities/resources available for employees when there is a layoff event of 25 or more: Provide resource support Meet with employers Meet with laid-off workers Development of resource capacity Layoff aversion Transition and/or Resource Center Training and employability services Note: A layoff of 25 or fewer employees will be served by GDOL 23
GOWD Rapid Response Budget 25% minimum for LWIA Rapid Response events 50% minimum for Emergency Reserve To access, must submit formal application with: Estimated number of participants Services to be provided Budget and budget narrative Timeframe for award Additional funds for GOWD personnel, travel, etc. 24
PY13 Rapid Response Allocation: Coastal Area 20: $132,513 Not eligible for transfer into adult funding streams (in the 1 st year) 2 year funding availability Not for duplicating current services Not for replacing current funding streams 25
Additional Changes—Effective July 1 st, 2013 NEW Case Management System designed by Geographic Solutions known as, Georgia WorkReady Online Portal CWS Staff attended a train-the-trainer session on June 4 th -6 th in Warner Robins, GA CWS Staff will train Youth Service Providers on June 27 th and June 28 th Last day to input data into GWS is June 25 th Information from previous system, GWS, will be uploaded to the Georgia WorkReady Online Portal from 2001 to present 26
Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEOs) Meeting 27
Purpose of the CLEO Meeting Update Agreement on CLEOs responsibilities Private & Public Sector Nominees/Appointees Update Agreement on CWIB member responsibilities Update Agreement on CLEOs & CWIB joint responsibilities Update Agreement on CWIB & City of Savannah Update Agreement on CWIB Accountability Update Agreement on Region Governance Structure Discussion of the CWIB’s & CLEOs –Signatory Authority and Agreement Period 28
The Most Recent Consortium Agreement was signed and completed on: December 19, 2001 Signatories were: Bryan---Brook Warnell Bulloch---Johnny Parrish Camden---Stephen Berry Chatham---Billy Hair (County Chair) & Floyd Adams, Jr. (Mayor) Effingham---Phillip King Glynn---Henri Woodman Liberty---Jimmy Smith Long---Randall Wilson McIntosh---David Lane 29
Upcoming CLEO Meeting All County CLEOs are expected to attend on: July 9 th, 2013 at 10:00AM Richmond Hill City Center 30
Any Questions? 31