Generating the spirit of entrepreneurship in young adult Europeans Methodology Resume By Eurogems
Analysis of terrritory Interviews Questionnaires Surveys Data gathering SWOT analysis
Call for Learners Recruitments of discents/learners Advertisments Booklets Leaflets Web-banners Pubblic offices – lists of reduntant workers Pubblic offices – lists of unemployment Universities - Schools
Learners’ Analysis Preparation of questionnaires Questionnaires – fill in CV – fill in Background/Education/Experience Aspirations Seminars (LT – SP) Motivations Seminars (LT) IT Seminars – (TR) Evaluation tests for entrepreneurship skills
Formative/Informative Workshops Development of communication and collaboration skills (LT – SP) Successeful Business stories (PL) Contract job and self-employment (PL) Business ideas and partners (PL) Core of the business project (PL) Requirements to prepare a business plan (PL) Content of a business project (PL)
Data analysis & working groups Data processing Statistics and graphs Data analysis Data aggregation Creation of working groups (study case approach - PL)
Idea of Entreprise Study case methodology (PL) Developing, definition and analysis of the idea Case study classroom (PL) Case study class (PL) Debriefing class (PL)
Market analysis Study case methodology (PL) Market analysis Customers analysis Analysis of possible competitors
Feasibility Study Market feasibility study of the idea: 1.Technical feasibility analysis 2.Economical feasibility analysis 3.Financial fesasibility analysis
Tools choice Assistance to choose the tools with regards to: 1.Legal subjects 2.Self-Funding 3.External Funding - Credit access issues
Legislative tools assistance Choice of legal forms (company, cooperative, individual,..) Relationships among members of management (human resources management) Laws, Rules and Regualtions
Self Funding Evaluation of own resources Evaluation of self-funding
Credit funding Available funding in the local area Available funding for the developed idea Funding access Guarantees
Business Plan Cover sheet (PL) Describing your business (PL) Describing your invention goods (PL) Describing your location (PL) Marketing plan (PL) Preparation and presentation of a business project (PL)
Business Establishment Strategic planning Operational strategy Organisation of production Organisation of human resources managment Verification of economic and financial feasibility Analysis of the performance rates
Start up – Stage & Tutors Start up Stages/Tutoring Tutors/Tutoring
Business consolidation Initiation of business Business’ consolidation